The Limited Times

US authorities arrested nearly a thousand immigrant children in 6 days

11/28/2020, 10:02:19 PM

Washington - SANA US authorities have arrested nearly a thousand immigrant children in just six days along the border with A.


The US authorities have arrested nearly a thousand immigrant children in just six days along the border with Mexico, in continuation of the arbitrary policies pursued by outgoing US President Donald Trump over the past four years.

CBS News quoted Mark Morgan, a senior official at the US Customs and Border Protection, as saying that "997 minor immigrants who traveled without their families were arrested between the 18th and 23rd of November," indicating that the US authorities have detained more than Of 9,900 unaccompanied children since the eighth of last September.

Trump insists on prosecuting immigrants and proceeding with his abusive policies against them, including his attempt to obtain Washington Circuit Court approval to suspend a judicial order that prevents US border officials from expelling unaccompanied immigrant children directly without presenting their case in court or confirming their asylum claim.

Trump has followed racist policies in the immigration file since he took office in the United States in 2017, which amounted to arresting immigrants at the US border with Mexico, separating children from their families and locking them in cages, which sparked a wave of widespread criticism inside and outside the United States.

The tragedy of 545 children separated from their families on the US-Mexico border imposed itself on the recent presidential election campaign in the United States, and charities are still searching for the families of these children, two-thirds of which were already expelled from the United States.