The Limited Times

The Saudi aggression's aviation launches raids on the Yemeni governorates of Ma'rib and Sana'a

11/29/2020, 8:21:26 PM

Sana'a - SANA Today, the Saudi aggression forces launched raids on separate areas of the Yemeni governorates of Sana'a and Ma'rib.

Sana'a - Sana

Today, the Saudi aggression launched raids on separate areas of the Yemeni governorates of Sana'a and Ma'rib.

A security source told Al-Masirah Net that the aggression warplanes launched two strikes on the vicinity of Sanaa International Airport, two raids on the Dula area of ​​Hamadan district in Sanaa, three raids on Majzar district, and three raids on Nihm district in the Ma'rib governorate.

The Saudi regime has continued its aggression against Yemen since March 2015, using all kinds of weapons, which has led to the death and injury of tens of thousands of civilians and massive damage to the infrastructure.

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