The Limited Times

Alive: the ruling party achieved a quorum to discuss the withdrawal of coparticipation from the City, with the support of deputies from Schiaretti and Lavagnismo

11/30/2020, 11:52:34 PM

The initiative already had half a sanction in the Senate on October 3. 11/30/2020 2:52 PM Clarí Good Life Updated 11/30/2020 2:52 PM The Frente de Todos got a quorum on Monday to debate the removal of co-participation from the City, with the support of the deputies who respond to Juan Schiaretti and Lavagnismo.  The ruling party, with Máximo Kirchner at the helm, requested a special session for 1:30 p.m. to turn into law the bill that applies a new cut in reso

11/30/2020 2:52 PM

  • Clarí

  • Good Life

Updated 11/30/2020 2:52 PM

The Frente de Todos got a quorum on Monday to debate the removal of co-participation from the City, with the support of the deputies who respond to Juan Schiaretti and Lavagnismo. 

The ruling party, with Máximo Kirchner at the helm, requested a special session for 1:30 p.m. to turn into law the bill that applies a new cut in resources to the City, in this case to pay for the operation of the transferred Federal Police.

The initiative already had half a sanction in the Senate on October 3.

The Frente de Todos needed to add to its 117 deputies another 12 from allies, for a quorum of 129. 

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