The Limited Times

Application to admit more refugees fails again: the district will not become a safe haven

11/30/2020, 10:45:35 PM

The district of Ebersberg does not join the municipal alliance “Safe Harbor”. A corresponding motion did not make it to the vote on Monday.

The district of Ebersberg does not join the municipal alliance “Safe Harbor”.

A corresponding motion did not make it to the vote on Monday.


- For the second time, the application that the district should join the municipal alliance “Safe Haven” has failed.

The Greens, Ödp and Linke, supported by the SPD, applied to signal their willingness to accept more refugees, even beyond the allocation by the Königstein key.

In view of the dramatic conditions at the European external borders and in the Greek refugee camp Moria, "a sign of humanity and mercy" should be set, as SPD parliamentary group spokesman Albert Hingerl put it.

However, a majority from the CSU-FDP and the AfD prevented the application from being voted on in the district committee - on the grounds that the committee could not vote twice on the same project.

The committee had already rejected the request in October.

The Greens had argued that a new situation had arisen that justified the new decision - in the meantime, the district administration has determined that 153 accommodation places are available in the district for adult refugees or families.

CSU parliamentary group spokesman Martin Wagner justified the negative attitude with "fundamental, not for humanitarian reasons": It is important not to undermine the position of the federal government "from below".

The motion to accept 30 more unaccompanied minor refugees than required by the Königstein key was also not put to the vote - according to the administration there is space, but no allocations.

To this end, the committee commissioned the district office, against the vote of the AfD, to sound out whether hotels, pensions and other private hosts would provide space for refugees.

All news from the Ebersberg district at the Ebersberger Zeitung.