The Limited Times

Coronavirus disease. Latest | 76 additional confirmed 9 cases of passive dancing group, 40 more people infected

11/30/2020, 1:31:50 PM

The epidemic situation in Hong Kong has deteriorated sharply. There were 115 confirmed cases in Hong Kong yesterday (29th). This is the first time since the fourth wave that the 100 "line of defense" has been lost. It also hit a single-day high since August 1. The Education Bureau announced that starting from Wednesday (December 2),

Social News

Written by: Chen Shuxia Li Enci Zhang Jiamin Lao Minyi Kong Fanxu Yuan Shu Huang Yongyu Ouyang Dehao Kuang Xiaobin

2020-11-30 03:00

Last update date: 2020-11-30 17:32

The epidemic situation in Hong Kong has deteriorated sharply. There were 115 confirmed cases in Hong Kong yesterday (29th). This is the first time since the fourth wave that the 100 "line of defense" has been lost. It also hit a single-day high since August 1.

The Education Bureau announced that from Wednesday (December 2), face-to-face classes and school activities in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong will be suspended until after the school’s Christmas break.

The government will also issue an announcement today (29th) requiring the staff of institutions to undergo mandatory testing before December 14. The first round of the plan will exempt institutions on outlying islands.

[17:30] As of early morning, there were 76 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong today, of which 9 were of unknown origin, and a total of 6,315 cases were reported in Hong Kong.

The total number of dancing groups has been 519.


Chen Songqing added that starting from Wednesday, restaurants have restricted their dine-in time to 10 pm, and they can still be open for takeaways during the rest of the day.

The quarantine of immigrants to designated hotels is a fully contracted method by the government. The Department of Health will be responsible for infection prevention and control and regulation, while the hotel is only responsible for providing basic services.

Chen Hanyi added that the first hotel to be quarantined is Silka Tsuen Wan Hotel, and the other will be announced later.

Chen Songqing also pointed out that the Department of Health is reviewing the quarantine arrangements. Whether it will arrange an additional test on the 19th and 20th day of the quarantine period. Details will be announced as soon as possible.

[16:55] Carrie

Lam reiterated that the fourth wave of the epidemic involves many reasons. There are currently more than 60 million cases worldwide. Many European countries have to "free foot" and believe that, to be fair, "Hong Kong is not doing badly." There are only 1,500 infections with a population of 1 million, which is lower than that of Britain and the United States.

She also pointed out that another group of overseas students will return soon, "Don't you let them come back?"

She admitted that the prevention and control of the epidemic is not perfect, but if there is an infection case and all citizens have been following the preventive measures and have no social activities, I believe there will be no large groups involving more than 500 people. She emphasized that it is not time to blame each other. At that time, citizens must unite and work together to ensure that Hong Kong faces the least impact.

[16:45] As for why the penalties for violating the anti-epidemic ban have been increased, Carrie Lam pointed out that in the past year, the public has seen "anti-epidemic fatigue". Many news have seen photos such as ignoring regulations, attending parties without wearing masks, and dancing. Etc., thinking that the current penalty of $2,000 cannot achieve the goal of fighting the epidemic, the penalty should be increased.

She mentioned that many citizens in Europe oppose the anti-prevention regulations and refer to violations of human rights, but believe that Hong Kong people are very rational and everyone wants to control the epidemic.

As for the reporting hotline, it is hoped that citizens will take the civic responsibility, and immediately report any suspicion to the law enforcement colleagues for investigation.


Carrie Lam said that the four government experts and consultants on epidemic prevention have unanimously disapproved of further national testing.

She also mentioned that the universal compulsory inspection "is not an option that should be temporarily omitted," but it is "an option that is ineffective and has no scientific basis."

She mentioned that the virus has an incubation period. "A group of 7 million people must be cleaned up." All confirmed infections or potential infections must be identified and treated in isolation. All people must be tested in a very short time. It is not possible to return to the community or allow people to enter the country before it is completed. Therefore, in this scenario, it is not believed that mandatory universal testing can suppress the epidemic.


Chen Zhaoshi added that the two theme parks, namely Ocean Park and Disneyland, need to be closed.

Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor pointed out that whether a new round of funding schemes will be launched to help the affected industries tide over the difficulties has not been determined at this stage. The primary goal is to curb the spread of the epidemic.

[16:35] In

response to her question, Carrie Lam pointed out that the epidemic was "very fast", and every tightening of epidemic prevention measures "at a price", and reiterated that he did not feel that it should be "especially fast and slow" or "comment It's easier", emphasizing that there is always a "process" to ensure that the drafting of the law has a foundation and a basis.

As for the increase in penalties, as it is now written in the regulations, it needs to be revised by the guild, "Neither the secretary or I can change it at will."

But she mentioned that the increase from the current 2,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan is not a "double increase", "it will definitely not reach the goal."

Gathering Restriction Order | 2000 yuan has no deterrent effect. The government will set up a reporting hotline


Lin Zheng also mentioned that for violations of the gathering restriction order, mask order, compulsory testing order, etc., the fixed penalty will be increased from the current 2,000 yuan, "will be increased by multiples," and the guild will discuss the decision later.

She also pointed out that after the government closed the premises, people would use private places, such as private yachts, private places, etc., to sing and dance inside, which would have a major negative impact on public health. She pointed out that the government would consider referring law enforcement agencies to "Take it very seriously." If there is a private yacht that "sells advertisements publicly or has to pay to get on board to have a party," law enforcement agencies can enforce the law. In order to increase effectiveness, they will add a hotline to encourage citizens to report.


Carrie Lam also pointed out that two hotels are known to be requisitioned for quarantine purposes, with a total of about 800 rooms.

Related work has been started.

New crown pneumonia | The government has rented two hotels for quarantine purposes, adding 5 community testing centers this week

[16:22] Lam Cheng also pointed out that the 47 designated general outpatient clinics under the Hospital Authority will distribute sample bottles, which will be increased from 4000 to 8000 per day, while 121 post offices in Hong Kong will dispatch 4000 per day We will also discuss with the MTR to distribute sample bottles at major MTR stations.

She also revealed that 14,000 people in the group subject to compulsory testing have been tested. In the future, they will add 5 more centers in addition to the existing 9 community testing centers, and will consider setting them up in the community halls of the Civil Affairs Department and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. .

▼The epidemic prevention measures will be tightened from December 3▼





Carrie Lam pointed out that starting from Wednesday (December 2), two-week measures will be introduced. One is that civil servants will work from home and return to the level of early July. Only emergency and necessary services will be provided. All civil servants will By staying at home, individual departments will be required to accurately respond to the needs of the public, which will be decided by the department.

In addition, the following premises will be closed from Wednesday, including game console centers, Mahjong/Tianjiu venues, swimming pools, karaoke, and individual government performance venues are reserved for proper rehearsal purposes only.

Taking into account the physical and mental needs of the public, fitness rooms and sports premises can continue to be opened, but no more than two people can do activities. However, masks are required during exercise. Beauty and massage parlors can continue to be open, but stricter restrictions must be observed.

She also pointed out that restaurants can continue to be open, but the opening hours must be shortened. They will close at 10 pm and tighten to a maximum of 2 people. Only 50% of the seats can be opened in the venue. Check your body temperature before entering the venue and will continue to do so.

As for the gathering restriction order, it will also return to "the tightest time", that is, no more than 2 people can travel together.

Gathering Restriction Order | Tightening of Epidemic Prevention Measures Starting Wednesday, Restricting Gathering Order Changes Two-person Restaurant to Close at 10 PM

[16:05] Lin Zheng pointed out that the current wave of the epidemic found that "a lot of people diagnosed have been to many places, have a lot of social activities, and have contact with many people." Therefore, it is more difficult to trace each case, and it is also very difficult to trace close contacts. , It also means that too many social activities and contacts have a great opportunity to spread to more people.

She reiterated that this time the epidemic is severe, especially the very large group "dancing group", which caused a large-scale outbreak. Together with the confirmed cases today, there have been a total of 519 related cases, involving at least 28 locations as of yesterday.

[16:00] Chief Executive Carrie Lam, Director of the Bureau of Food and Health Chen Zhaoshi, Director of the Department of Health Chen Hanyi, Permanent Secretary of the Bureau of Food and Health Chen Songqing, and Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital Authority Gao Basheng met with the media to explain the latest epidemic prevention measures.

Carrie Lam said that the new wave of epidemic in Hong Kong is very severe. Yesterday’s new confirmed cases exceeded 100 for the first time in nearly four months. In the past seven days from November 23 to 29, the average daily number of confirmed cases was 87. This round of confirmed cases The cases are mainly local, and more than 90% are local cases. After Zhou did not meet with four epidemic prevention experts, he believed that the epidemic would continue to worsen.

In other words, the number of confirmed cases will continue to rise. Today, 76 cases were diagnosed, mainly local, partly related to the earlier group, and 9 cases were of unknown origin.

New Coronary Pneumonia | Nowadays 76 diagnoses of Lam Cheng: The fourth wave of cases with no source and no symptoms

She also pointed out that there were more than 100 local cases of unknown origin in the past seven days, and each case of unknown origin showed that there was a hidden communicator in the community, so it is necessary to pass the virus test as soon as possible.

[15:59] The government press conference quoted a new slogan, "The epidemic is getting more severe, and all families fight the epidemic."

The government press conference will quote the new anti-epidemic slogan.

(Photo by Kuang Xiaobin)

[14:40] The Bank of East Asia issued a notice to its employees stating that an employee was diagnosed in the office on the 38th floor of Millennium City 5, and the employee last went to work on November 26, wearing a mouth during work, all employees and contact employees Do tests, work at home before there is a negative report, Dongya is disinfecting the entire floor.

An employee of the Bank of East Asia has been diagnosed, and employees in the same-level office must be tested.

[14:15] Chief Executive Carrie Lam held a press conference at 4 pm to explain the latest epidemic prevention measures.

The press conference of the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority will be held at 5.30 pm.

[13:56] The University of Hong Kong stated that in response to the development of the epidemic, starting from Tuesday (December 1), all departments and departments will be limited to 50% of the workforce, and the rest will be arranged to work at home.

[13:45] According to the Education Bureau, schools can arrange for primary six students to return to school to submit sub-examinations according to school-based needs, and secondary six students can also return to school for classes, but only half-time.

Suspension of classes│Education Bureau: The school can arrange for primary six students to go back to school and submit sub-examination for secondary six students to go back to school

[13:25] The Deep Bay Yacht Club stated on its official website that a member who had visited was diagnosed last Thursday (November 26), but it is currently unknown which facilities the member has used.

The Yacht Club stated that it will be closed for three days from Sunday to reopen at 7 a.m. on December 2 for the prevention of the epidemic. During this period, all facilities will be deeply cleaned and all staff will be tested.

New crown pneumonia | Shenzhen Bay Yacht Club members confirmed that they had visited last week and closed until Wednesday to reopen

[12:07] According to news, about 78 confirmed cases have been added today.

[12:00] The fourth wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is severe. Yesterday (30th) there were more than 100 confirmed cases in Hong Kong.

Recently, it has been said that in response to changes in the epidemic, the government plans to "enhance epidemic prevention" measures, including increasing penalties for violations of gathering restrictions, reducing the number of four-person restaurants, and requiring restaurants to close earlier.

In addition, in view of the upcoming Christmas holidays, some experts also suggested that students returning to Hong Kong should be sampled for testing on the 19th after the 14-day quarantine has been completed.

New crown pneumonia|The government intends to tighten epidemic prevention measures

▼Tighten epidemic prevention measures from November 26▼




[10:00] Xu Shuchang, a government expert consultant and chair professor of the Department of Respiratory System at CUHK, said on a commercial program that the current community has a wide range of invisible transmission chains, and epidemic prevention measures must be tightened, such as civil servants working from home, karaoke suspension, cancellation of singing Yes, restaurants close two hours earlier.

He also suggested that after quarantine persons returning to Hong Kong from other places complete the 14-day quarantine, they can keep samples on the 19th day to reduce loopholes.

New crown pneumonia | Xu Shuchang: Anti-epidemic measures must be tightened to encourage returnees to take samples on the 19th

▼The operation of the quarantine center of the Lijing Community Hall on the first day (28/11)▼




[09:00] Luo Zhiguang, Director of the Bureau of Labor and Welfare, said yesterday (29th) that employees of institutions will be required to participate in mandatory testing within 2 weeks.

He stated on the TV and TV program "Millenniums" today that the government requires employees in homes for the elderly, homes for the disabled and nursing homes to undergo mandatory testing. This is a challenging and difficult task. The test is done once a week, and the process is considered complicated and takes a long time.

He also said that if there are employees of institutions who do not go to the community testing center established by the government to take samples, the bureau may issue verbal or written warnings to the operators, and even impose penalties.

Institutional staff did not test or were warned within two weeks. Luo Zhiguang: The process of medical care visits is complicated

[01:10] The Health Protection Center of the Department of Health updated the whereabouts of the incubation period of the confirmed cases late on Sunday (29th), and there are new restaurants on the list, including the Jinjin Japanese-style yakiniku restaurant in Yingguang Building, Wan Chai, and Niu Kou, Nina Plaza in Tsuen Wan , Healthy Village Emperor Wine Steak House.

In addition, the Xi Shuang Feng Restaurant in Kai Yip Shopping Centre in Kwun Tong, in addition to the dancing group in the Star Ballroom in its attic, also confirmed cases in its restaurant.

Diagnosed restaurant | Kai Ye Xi Shuang Feng Restaurant is on the list again. Some patients have been to Emperor Wine Steak House and Niu Yi

Shaukeiwan Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fang Shuquan daytime activity center and dormitory broke out

▼List of houses of confirmed cases on 29/11▼




[01:00] The

Center for Health Protection updated the list of houses for the confirmed cases late at night. Except for Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories, there are still many luxury houses on the list, including Gadoli Hill where traditional rich people gather, and other famous houses such as Beacon Hill One and West There were also confirmed cases in Mid-Levels Yongjing Terrace, Tai Wai Guiyuan, Jiu Du Shan Junfa Villa, Sai Wan Ho Grand Promenade, Tai Hang Mid-Levels Rong Park and Cypress Garden.

Confirmed building | Residents infected with the virus in Kadoorie Mountain enter Prosperous Villa and Grand Promenade

▼The whereabouts of the confirmed person and places visited▼




▼8½ chef of Michelin restaurant diagnosed ▼

Overview of yesterday:

4 more patients in a single day are in danger, all involved in the dance group, the oldest is 85 years old

The KMB driver confirmed that he had driven 43X, 80M, 85, 85X, 286M and 289K in the past 14 days

New crown pneumonia | Transport Department engineer confirmed that West Kowloon Government Office will be fully disinfected after rework

News: People entering quarantine must stay in designated hotels, and special vehicles will pick up and drop off the hotel to provide three meals

COVID-19 | Education Bureau: All schools in Hong Kong will suspend face-to-face classes from Wednesday until the beginning of the Christmas holiday

The woman who tested positive in the community was admitted to the hospital and re-tested negative and was discharged from the hospital.

New crown pneumonia | St. Clare Primary School students diagnosed with family members attending St. Paul’s Co-educational School also need to suspend classes

New crown pneumonia | 115 more cases of Zhang Zhujun outbreak in 3 restaurants including Quan Zhangju, Sheung Wan: more severe than wave 3

New crown pneumonia | News reports that more than 100 confirmed cases have been diagnosed today, the 14th "breaking 100 days" 1 patient can pass 3

Free and charge testing center to ask for a sample of this bottle to see 6 ways

Fan Hongling expects to open temporary hospitals around Lunar New Year so as not to cut non-emergency services

Suspension of classes | At least 26 schools have confirmed the news of teachers, students and parents: the Education Bureau announced the suspension of face-to-face teaching as soon as possible

New crown pneumonia | Hong Kong University Kong Fanyi: If the diagnosis continues to exceed 100 in a single day, class should be considered to be suspended

New crown pneumonia | Kwai Chung Lai King Correctional Institution staff initially diagnosed as having visited the hospital

New crown pneumonia|Fanling Testing Center is open, and citizens who have visited Cailong Palace for testing: I am afraid of death

New crown pneumonia | Cases continue to rise Xu Shuchang advises schools to suspend classes, restaurants close at 10 pm

New crown pneumonia | Luo Zhiguang: Ming announces mandatory inspections for hospital employees who refuse to comply or cannot go to work

Diagnosed building restaurant|Patients on the list of eight restaurants have visited ClubONE, Lau Fau Shan Restaurant in Kwun Tong


New Coronary Pneumonia Center for Health Protection, Department of Health, Food and Health Bureau, I am home

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