The Limited Times

Melania Trump negotiates the publication of her memoirs

11/30/2020, 9:23:42 PM

The still first lady has the support of her husband to reveal how her four years have been installed in the White House

Melania Trump, one of the probably most enigmatic first ladies in the United States, has received an offer to write her memoirs, according to

Page Six


The wife of the still president has held several meetings in recent days on this matter.

"Melania is in meetings to write her memoirs at the White House," said a source.

"And it would be her money, an opportunity for her to win on her own."

The source added to the North American media: "They have told me that her husband is encouraging her."

A book by Melania Trump could set the record straight in some of her notable White House episodes such as public rudeness to her husband.

The story of Melania Trump - added the source - "could be worth a lot of money", considering the stir caused by the book

Melania and I

, published in September by his former adviser Stephanie Winston Walkoff, which tells unpleasant topics, including strained relationships between Melania and her stepdaughter Ivanka.

The publication of this book sparked outrage from the first lady, who issued a statement on the White House website describing Winston Wolkoff as a "rogue opportunist" who "barely" knew her.

In the book, the author also said that the relationship between Melania and Donald Trump was a "commercial marriage", which would strengthen the other great rumor about the couple: their upcoming divorce.

The terms in which it would occur are also part of the many speculations around the couple.

Wolkoff details that the couple sleep in separate rooms inside the White House (as CNN reporter Kate Bennett had already revealed) or that the Slovenian is negotiating a separation agreement that ensures that their only son in common, Barron, 14 years old , get a substantial percentage of the president's fortune, calculated by


at about 2.1 billion euros, according to September estimates.

According to the

Washington Post


Mary Jordan in Melania's biography

The art of her deal

, when Trump won the elections in 2016 they renegotiated their prenuptial agreement that, among other things, established the conditions for the inheritance of their independent son Barron to the interests of the other Trump children.

Reluctant to live in the White House, in 2018 Melania bought a one-bedroom apartment in Trump Tower, which was her residence until her move to Washington and supposedly the place to return to starting in January.

The publication of a book would give Melania the opportunity to earn her own money without having to depend on the president —in short, ex-president—, something that would gain even more strength with that other possibility of a divorce in sight.

The still first lady of the country, 50 years old, is a woman about whom little is known.

She hardly gives interviews and is not exactly expressive.

Beyond some official acts and forced smiles, his relationship with the president is not as expressive as that of the Obamas, as warm as that of the Bushes, nor does it denote the colleague of the Clintons.

Among them they are cold, sometimes even unfriendly.

There are many and very famous rudeness that have been made and that show the mutual tension: he asks her to smile and she refuses;

he takes an umbrella but leaves her outside in the rain;

he tries to shake her hand and she pulls away.

In any case, Melania is not a victim, a woman in need of liberation or rescue, as those popular “



posters scream


She herself stated in one of her few interviews, a couple of years ago, that she felt “the most harassed person in the world” and that she knew of the comments that were generated around her, often fabricated and, at times, painful: "I am very strong and I know what my priorities are."

Something that fits perfectly with what Wolkoff says in his book, a description that may have a lot to do with his next steps: “He knows perfectly well who he has married.

She knew where she was getting, and so did he. "