The Limited Times

Syrian photographer injured on Saturday: the Paris prosecutor's office opens an investigation

11/30/2020, 11:49:01 PM

An investigation was opened Monday, November 30 in " search of the causes of the injuries " suffered by the Syrian photographer Ameer al-Halbi, a collaborator of AFP and Polka, during the demonstration on Saturday, AFP learned from the prosecution of Paris. To read also: "Global security": Macron expresses his anger, the majority announces a rewrite of article 24 This investigation, entrusted to

An investigation was opened Monday, November 30 in "

search of the causes of the injuries

" suffered by the Syrian photographer Ameer al-Halbi, a collaborator of AFP and Polka, during the demonstration on Saturday, AFP learned from the prosecution of Paris.

To read also: "Global security": Macron expresses his anger, the majority announces a rewrite of article 24

This investigation, entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), aims to clarify the conditions of occurrence "

of the serious injury to the face of this 24-year-old photographer who had covered the Syrian conflict for AFP and is installed in France for almost three years


A truncheon from a police officer could be involved.

Ameer al-Halbi was on the ground in his own capacity during the demonstration against the “

comprehensive security

” law

and police violence.


We are shocked by the injuries inflicted on our colleague Ameer al-Halbi and we condemn this unprovoked violence

," Phil Chetwynd, AFP news director, responded on Sunday.

Chetwynd stressed that at the material time Ameer al-Halbi "was

exercising his legal right as a photojournalist covering demonstrations in the streets of Paris

" and that he "

was with a group of colleagues clearly identified as journalists


An "

internal administrative

" investigation

demanded by AFP has already been opened by the police to determine the circumstances of the incident.

In a tweet on Saturday evening, Reporters Without Borders denounced “

unacceptable police violence


Ameer al-Halbi told AFP that at the time of the clashes at the end of the demonstration in Place de la Bastille, he had taken a few minutes before the incident "photos of police officers who were beating someone".

A few minutes later, “

the police arrived and suddenly I found myself on the ground, I didn't realize what happened.

I think it was one shot.

People stepped on me and then someone helped me

, ”said this photographer.


I did not have my protective equipment, confiscated by the police during a demonstration of + yellow vests + because I did not have a press card

", he added.

In 2017, Ameer al-Halbi won the 2nd prize in the “

Spot News

” category for the World Press Photo and covered for AFP the fighting and devastation in his city of Aleppo, in the midst of the Syrian conflict.