The Limited Times

US election: Wisconsin vote recount confirms Biden victory

11/30/2020, 11:30:31 PM

Donald Trump, who has already spent three million dollars to recount the votes, says he will challenge these results in court.

As Donald Trump still refuses to congratulate Joe Biden on his election to the US presidential election and continues to challenge the poll results,


reports that the recount of votes in the state of Wisconsin confirmed the victory of the Democrat.

The first official results had given Joe Biden the winner with 49.5% of the vote (against 48.8% for Donald Trump) and a lead of more than 20,600 votes over his competitor.

On allegations of electoral fraud, Donald Trump's campaign team had, however, filed an appeal on November 18 to recount the votes in two counties of Wisconsin won by the former vice-president with a large majority.

Read also: US Presidential: Trump's appeals turn tragicomic

The recount admittedly brought 45 more votes to Donald Trump in Milwaukee County, but it gave 132 more to Joe Biden in Dane County.

These results bolster the Democrat's lead in Wisconsin, with a net gain of 87 votes.

Even before the announcement of these results, the current tenant of the White House indicated on Twitter that he would challenge them in court.

The recount in Wisconsin is not done to find counting errors, but to find people who voted illegally, and this case will be taken to court once the recount is over on Monday or Tuesday.

We found a lot of illegal votes,

”he wrote on November 28.

The US president also rose up in an interview on

Fox News

, calling Milwaukee "

one of the most dishonest political places


According to him, the city is "

extremely corrupt from a political point of view


Jenna Ellis, one of Donald Trump's lawyers, has also spoken on the subject, saying that "

the recounts in Dane and Milwaukee counties had exposed serious questions about the legality of the ballots



As we have been saying from the beginning, we want all legal votes, and only legal votes to be counted, and we will continue to deliver on our promise to the American people to fight for a free and fair election

," she added on Twitter.

According to the

New York Times

, the cost of a new vote count in Milwaukee County would amount to $ 2 million for Donald Trump's campaign team.

In Dane County, this amount is estimated at nearly $ 741,000.

The president is said to have already spent $ 3 million for the recounts carried out in these counties.

The rules established in the state of Wisconsin indicate that it is up to the candidate who files an appeal to pay the recount fee when the difference in votes between the candidates exceeds 0.25 points.

The Wisconsin Voters Alliance, a conservative group, has already taken legal action to block the certification of votes by the Wisconsin Election Commission scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 1.

Donald Trump has taken numerous legal actions to challenge the election results, notably in the key states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

The president has been asserting for several months that postal voting - for which Democratic voters have more recourse and which has been more privileged in view of the health situation - is conducive to massive fraud.

A large majority of the appeals were, however, unfavorable to Donald Trump and the results of the ballot must be approved by December 8 at the latest in all states, so that the Electoral College can proceed to the vote which will officially appoint the future president on December 14. .

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