The Limited Times

Home office flat rate: Five euros per day should relieve employees - but there is a catch

12/1/2020, 7:05:12 PM

Tax relief in the home office: Finance politicians have apparently agreed on a tax flat rate for employees. But not everyone will benefit from it.

Tax relief in the home office: Finance politicians have apparently agreed on a tax flat rate for employees.

But not everyone will benefit from it.

During the corona pandemic, many employees work from home *.

But this also increases their ancillary costs such as electricity and water.

In order to accommodate the employees and relieve them financially, finance politicians of the grand coalition have now


on a

home office flat rate


This is reported by the German Press Agency (dpa), referring to a report by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

Home office flat rate: five euros per day for employees

According to the FAZ, anyone who works from home should be able to


a tax lump sum of

five euros per day from

the tax office.

But only up to a maximum of

600 euros per year


“As the CSU, we want to relieve those who have achieved tremendous things from home during the pandemic,” said the CSU financial politician Sebastian Brehm of the newspaper.

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Tax lump sum only planned as income-related expenses?

However, there is a catch: It is still unclear whether the home office flat rate will be granted in addition to the employee flat rate of 1,000 euros.

Then employees would benefit directly from it, depending on the load.

However, if employees can

only claim them

as income-related expenses, only those employees would benefit who come up with more than 1,000 euros in income-related expenses in their tax return.

However, this is exactly what the Treasury Department seems to be planning.

"If the home office flat rate were granted independently, i.e. in addition to the flat rate for advertising expenses, this would be

excessive (and thus constitutionally dubious) benefit,"

the FAZ quotes from the concept.

(as) * is part of the nationwide Ippen central editorial network.

More on the topic:

Home office with children: three tips on how you can still do your work.

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