The Limited Times

Rail travel at Christmas: Corona rules at DB - How to get to your destination safely

12/1/2020, 11:56:42 PM

Despite Corona, Deutsche Bahn trains will be full again around Christmas. DB reacted with new measures. These are the new corona rules.

Despite Corona, Deutsche Bahn trains will be full again around Christmas.

DB reacted with new measures.

These are the new corona rules.

  • At


    , the trains of the

    Deutsche Bahn (DB) are

    expected to be full again.

  • In order to bring travelers safely to their destination, the group has adopted new

    corona rules


  • There are a few things to consider when traveling by train on public holidays.

Frankfurt - Due to the

corona pandemic

, traveling by train has also changed.

The load is currently rather low, but the


could get full again

, especially at Christmas


Many people then have to rely on public transport to visit family and friends.

In order to get to your destination safely,

Deutsche Bahn (DB)

is relying on stricter regulations.

Deutsche Bahn (DB) wants to use more trains at Christmas

After new corona restrictions were already set by the federal and state governments,

Deutsche Bahn followed


Specifically, the group relies on more distance, hygiene and space.

Not an easy task, because

more distance and space also

means that fewer passengers can sit on the train.

The solution should be more trains.

"From mid-December we will also be offering thousands of


and more frequent journeys on many routes

with new trains,

" says a DB announcement.

For example, the Hamburg-Berlin route is to be driven every half hour.

According to its own statements, the railway intends to increase the current timetable by around 10 percent.


Deutsche Bahn AG


Richard Lutz (since March 22, 2017)

Headquarters and sales

Berlin, 42.7 billion EUR (2017)


January 1, 1994

Traveling at Christmas: Deutsche Bahn (DB) with new Corona rules - fewer reservations

Also in the

large areas of

the train, travelers should

get more space

due to



To make this possible, fewer

seats have been


since November 27, 2020


Only one seat can be reserved per double seat, as the

DB Group announced


This should primarily be window seats.

The space next to it remains free.

Only seats that are diagonally opposite can be reserved at tables or in compartments.

In total, a maximum of 60 percent of the seats per train should be reservable.

Couples or people who travel together on the train can reserve seats next to each other in special areas.

It is true that a journey is

still possible

without a

seat reservation


However, in order to ensure that all seats on the train can be well distributed,

Deutsche Bahn

recommends that you


a reservation

, especially around



However, it is not free.

Individual reservations cost 4 euros for 2nd class, family reservations cost 8 euros.

It gets more expensive in 1st class.


Around Christmas it can get crowded again on DB trains.

(Archive image)

© Angelika Warmuth / dpa

Restrictions on long-distance journeys by DB due to Corona: More hygiene measures at Christmas


hygiene on Deutsche Bahn (DB) trains

continues to be the top priority.

Everything is cleaned more often, and the trains have been equipped with sufficient disinfectant.


Christmas it

should be increased again.

The mask requirement in trains and at stations remains and is controlled by railway employees.

And eating in the on-board restaurant is also taboo, the seats should be kept free for travelers without a reservation.

Traveling by train should also be safe at Christmas.

Group spokesman Achim Stauß explains in the video how exactly we will implement this.

More information here: #SAFE #corona

- Deutsche Bahn AG (@DB_Presse) November 26, 2020

Before traveling at Christmas, check the utilization of Deutsche Bahn (DB)

If you

do not feel safe enough

despite the current


, you can still do a lot yourself

to avoid the



On the one hand, you should consider whether you can travel a few days before



On the

utilization display Deutsche Bahn

travelers can see when a train will be busy.

"An orange-colored symbol in the travel information shows you when more than half of the seats are likely to be occupied," says DB.

First class is also a way to keep more distance.

Although it is a bit more expensive, it also offers more space and individual seats.

If you travel by train around


, you should also note that the prices for long-distance transport have been adjusted in time for the timetable change on December 13th.

If you want to save, you should book early.

(svw with dpa)

List of rubric lists: © Angelika Warmuth / dpa

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