The Limited Times

[New Coronary Pneumonia] Using the wrong alcohol or bleach to spread the virus more easily! 15 mistakes you can't make

12/3/2020, 7:23:11 AM

The fourth wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is fierce, and local and unsourced cases continue to increase. The government has once again tightened epidemic prevention measures, including tightening the gathering order to two people, and the closure of game consoles and entertainment venues. But no


Written by: Liao Qingxia Zheng Xiuxian

2020-12-02 22:30

Last update date: 2020-12-02 22:30

The fourth wave of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is fierce, and local and unsourced cases continue to increase. The government has once again tightened epidemic prevention measures, including tightening the gathering order to two people, and the closure of game consoles and entertainment venues.

However, asymptomatic patients are by your side at any time, and everyone can only do their best to prevent the epidemic.

Anti-epidemic methods that claim to be able to withstand the new crown pneumonia are flying everywhere, such as spraying disinfectant alcohol at home from time to time, or diluting bleach with hot water will have a better disinfection effect. Which ones are correct and which are wrong?

Let's summarize the wrong methods of epidemic prevention together, so as not to be self-defeating and backfire!

The increase in the sourceless cases of new coronary pneumonia has raised concerns about the invisible transmission chain in the community.

Although many people have increased their awareness of epidemic prevention during the epidemic, in addition to wearing masks, the correct use of disinfectant alcohol and bleach is also important; otherwise, it will not only waste energy, but also let the virus take advantage of it in minutes!

The following are 15 key points of epidemic prevention that people often make mistakes or overlook. How many do you miss?

(According to the picture):




1. Spray alcohol or chlorine all over the body for disinfection

The use of chlorine and alcohol can effectively disinfect the surface, but it cannot kill the viruses that have entered the body. It can also damage the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.

When spraying, open flames must be prohibited to prevent excessive concentration and increase the risk of burning.

If really necessary, it is best to spray in an open place or outdoors before entering the house.

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Spray alcohol to kill the virus in the body?

WHO refutes rumors: no

2. The higher the concentration of disinfectant alcohol, the better

To kill 99.9% of bacteria, the alcohol content must reach 60% or more, but high-concentration alcohol (95% or more) will cause the protein on the surface of the bacteria to condense to form a dura mater, which instead protects the bacteria.

Studies have pointed out that 75% alcohol can have both protein coagulation and penetrating effects, and the most rapid and thorough sterilization effect can be achieved.

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3. Cleaner ditch bleach

The chemical effect of bleach mixed with other cleaning agents may greatly reduce its oxidizing power. Mixing with acidic cleaning agents or toilet cleaners is more likely to produce toxic gases!

Bleach mixed with acid cleaners or toilet cleaners may produce toxic gas!

(Unsplash/ CDC)

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4. Hot water to dilute the bleach

Use frozen water when diluting the bleach, as hot water will decompose the bleach components and lose their effectiveness.

In addition, different brands of bottle caps have different capacities. It is more appropriate to use a spoon or measuring cup to accurately measure the amount of bleach.

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5. Sterilize with white vinegar

There is currently no evidence that white vinegar is effective in killing the new coronavirus. Therefore, whether white vinegar or industrial acetic acid is consumed, it should not be used for disinfection or epidemic prevention.

6. Take a hot bath to kill the virus

It is medically verified that neither room temperature in winter (around 23°C) or hot baths (water temperature above 40°C) cannot kill the new coronavirus. It must be kept in 56°C water for 30 minutes before it can be extinct virus.

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7. Fever, take anti-fever medicine without seeing a doctor

Family doctor Mo Kunyang pointed out that taking antipyretics is mainly to deal with symptoms and has nothing to do with the disease itself. The doctor is to find out the cause of the fever. There is no conflict between the two, and the fever may also spread the virus.

Delay in seeking medical attention, in addition to aggravating the condition, may also spread the infected germs.

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Other knowledge about fever (click the picture):




8. Open the toilet board to flush the toilet

Some patients with new coronary pneumonia will have diarrhea, and the virus has been confirmed to survive in the stool. Pediatric immunization and infectious disease specialist He Xuegong reminded that foam or aerosol (Aerosol) will be aroused when flushing the toilet. If you know the size of the toilet water flow, the agitated splash may be suspended in the air for a period of time, or splashed on towels and other items in the toilet, if it carries a virus. Therefore, you should cover the toilet board before flushing.

6 high-risk hiding places for the 6 major viruses: (click the picture)




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9. Pull the mask down or fold it in half

It is unavoidable to temporarily remove the mask when eating or drinking, and many people will directly lower the chin for convenience.

He Boliang, director of the Infection and Infectious Diseases Center of the University of Hong Kong, reminded that the saliva and droplets of others are all stuck to the outer layer of the mask, and it is easy to eat bacteria into the stomach without taking it off.

As for folding masks, He Xuegong, a child immunization and infectious disease specialist, said that this may cause cross-infection of the inside and outside of the mask and lose its protective effect. The most correct way to remove the mask is to remove the elastic band.

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10. Touch the toilet door handle with your hands

The toilet door handle is the place where the virus may attach. You should reduce your contact with the door handle. It is best to use a paper towel to touch the door indirectly, or use your elbow or shoulder to open and close the door; if you really want to turn the door handle, you can wear gloves, or immediately after contact handwashing.

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11. Don't use public chopsticks for eating

When eating with others, there should be serving chopsticks on each dish. When eating, use serving chopsticks to take the food into your own bowl, and then use personal tableware to eat the food on your own dish to avoid mouth foam passing through the chopsticks Food, cross infection.

Also, be careful not to share cups or drinks with others.

12. Sharing towels

Do not touch other people’s towels or share towels with other family members.

(Unsplash/ candelarms)

Do not touch other people’s towels or share towels with other family members.

At the same time, it is best to wash the towels twice a week and dry them in the sun. Pay special attention to damp towels that are easy to breed viruses.

13. Put the clothes back into the cabinet directly after going out

After going out, you must clean the clothes thoroughly before putting them back in the wardrobe. The soles of the shoes are best printed with a cloth that has been diluted with bleach, and the uppers should be sprayed with diluted bleach. As for clothes, thin clothes can be washed in the washing machine. The thick coat is best hung in a ventilated position and blown overnight; finally the handbag should be cleaned with disinfectant or diluted bleach.

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14. Wipe the table back and forth

Japanese medical-grade cleaning expert Tadao Matsumoto pointed out that wiping the table "back and forth" is completely wrong, because bacteria and viruses will attach to the cloth, causing bacteria and viruses to attach to the table again. The correct method should be to wipe in the "same" direction.

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15. Kissing and secret planning: Are they all wrong?

The new crown pneumonia virus is mainly spread through droplets. Pediatric specialist Chen Xinyong reminded adults to avoid soliciting children when they see children at parties.

Professor Yuan Guoyong of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong also pointed out that everyone should keep a distance of 6 steps from others to reduce the risk of infection, because droplets are usually difficult to cross this distance and will fall to the ground.

In extraordinary times, intimate contact such as kissing can be avoided or avoided!

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