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After scandal Christmas decorations: Melania Trump is now decorating the White House in a completely different way - but a phone call is becoming a problem

12/3/2020, 7:45:58 AM

Melania Trump's Christmas decorations in the White House have caused a lot of commotion in recent years. How is she doing on the last try?

Melania Trump's Christmas decorations in the White House have caused a lot of commotion in recent years.

How is she doing on the last try?

For the fourth and final time, First Lady Melania Trump took care of the Christmas decorations in the White House this year.

Since 2017, she has provided a lot of talking point with her unusual ideas - because they have not always satisfied tastes.

Scandalous decoration in the White House: Melania's Christmas decorations caused divided opinions

In the first year of Donald Trump's term in office, the First Lady shocked with a Christmas decoration that reminded many of images from a horror flick.

In the net she got a

lot of malice for the ghostly designed corridors, which were lined with parched branches


In 2018 the reactions weren't much better: Blood-red fir trees made comparisons with “The Shining”.

The decoration would not create

a Christmas mood

, so the criticism.

It was only last year that Melania was able to look forward to more positive feedback - although some people complained that the jewelry was too cheesy or too cold.

Christmas decorations 2020: This year Melania decorated the White House classically

Now this year's Christmas decorations have been unveiled in the White House.

Melania Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday that

the decoration honored America's "grandeur"


62 Christmas trees, almost 125 kilos of gingerbread dough and thousands of lights are to underline this.


A large Christmas tree stands in the festively decorated Blue Room of the White House.

© picture alliance / dpa / AP |

Patrick Semansky

The official Christmas tree of the White House with its almost 5.5 meters just fits under the ceiling of the “Blue Room”, one of the three salons on the first floor.

Between yellow ribbons and garlands, it is adorned by pendants designed by schoolchildren from different parts of the country.


A Christmas tree stands in the festively decorated Red Room of the White House.

© picture alliance / dpa / AP |

Patrick Semansky

The jewelry in the “Red Room” is dedicated to the pandemic: ambulances are hanging on the tree, a replica of a supermarket is on the fireplace, delivery services are also honored.

A gingerbread house in the shape of the government headquarters can be seen in the banquet hall.

Under the trees in the “Cross Hall”, which are mostly decorated with red balls, there are parcels labeled “Peace”, “Love” and “Joy”.


A Christmas tree stands in the festively decorated Green Room of the White House.

© picture alliance / dpa / AP |

Patrick Semansky

Also interesting

: How to prevent the Christmas tree from making needles.

Melania at war with the Christmas decorations in the White House

The First Lady personally selected "every detail" of the decoration, announced the White House.

But just a few weeks ago, recordings of a phone call between Melania Trump and her former friend Stephanie Winston Wolkoff became public, in which the first lady complained in hearty words about her job: “I'm tearing my bum open for this Christmas stuff.

Who the hell is interested in Christmas and decorations

? "

Many Twitter users now remember exactly these words in the comments below the pictures: "But you said you hate those damn Christmas decorations," says one user, for example.

This Christmas is anyway the last that the family of US President Donald Trump spends in government headquarters in the US capital Washington.

His term of office ends on January 20th.

(fk / dpa) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

Also read

: Christmas decorations: These are the trends for 2020.

List of rubric lists: © ALEX WONG / AFP

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