The Limited Times

Christmas commercial from Edeka triggers angry reactions - "From today your shop will be avoided"

12/3/2020, 11:56:03 AM

Edeka publishes a Christmas clip - and the actual topic is completely in the background. Instead, a socio-political debate is triggered.

Edeka publishes a Christmas clip - and the actual topic is completely in the background.

Instead, a socio-political debate is triggered.

  • A

    Christmas message from Edeka

    causes heated spirits and critical reactions on the Internet.

  • Has the supermarket chain




    shit storm

    for "Let's be happy and colorful"?

  • There are

    indignant comments

    regarding the clip from several points of view.

Hamburg - tradition at


- as with many other companies: Every year there is a

Christmas commercial

that puts the range of the supermarket chain in the foreground in a sometimes humorous or emotional context.

In the best case, the company or its marketing agency succeeds in

attracting attention

with polarizing content


This seems to have definitely succeeded with this year's work, the title of which is an allusion to a well-known Santa Claus or Christmas carol:

Edeke commercial: xenophobic or racist?

Outraged reactions on Facebook and Co.

It is about topics that are socially important and will continue to cause heated spirits in Germany in 2020:

cultural diversity




What a socially meaningful topic like this is unusual: The promotional video “

Let's be happy and colorful

” provokes excited spirits across various political camps.

"Here people are reduced to their origins and compared to food," is a reaction on the Internet that

attests to

the supermarket chain



“Bravo Edeka, racism” assumes another statement.


Entrance door of an Edeka market: The discounter chain is heating up people with a Christmas advertising clip (symbol image).

© Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

It did not take long, however, before many users were


by the propagated

colorful diversity

and flooded the company's

social media channels

with harsh reactions


Hundreds of critical comments follow from users who never want to buy from the chain again.

It's about anger about the

multi-cultural society

and the actions of political decision-makers in matters of immigration.

Edeka earns criticism after the multi-cultural clip: "Shopped for the last time"

"From today your shop will be avoided" or "Not a cent.

Yesterday I shopped with you for the last time !! "are the nicer comments.

However, there are also users who are annoyed that a German discounter

is advertising

foreign cuisine

instead of

traditional cuisine from their home country

: “Dear Edeka, what is your problem with a German Christmas dinner?

I'm still proud of my German Christmas traditions, and that doesn't include sushi or anything like that. ”The fact that a young girl apparently brings a different friend home with her every Christmas also provokes indignant reactions.

Edeka commercial with a supposedly political statement divides minds on the Internet

By the way, a clear sign is shown by clear statistics under the company's

YouTube clip

: Less than 2,000 likes are compared to more than 35,000 dislikes - people who don't like the video's message (as of December 2).

Whether the makers of the supposedly harmless commercial

had taken

such a split

into account beforehand?

Not clear.


List of rubric lists: © Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

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