The Limited Times

Mapuche conflict: Mascardi neighbors refused to meet with Minister Frederic in Bariloche

12/3/2020, 4:37:08 PM

The residents that make up the town's Neighborhood Council refused to have a meeting with the official because they consider her responsible for not having an eviction. The government says it met with "other" neighbors.

Claudio Andrade

12/02/2020 18:54

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 12/02/2020 18:54

The call for dialogue made this Wednesday in Bariloche by the Ministers of Security, Sabina Frederic, and of Justice, Marcela Losardo, did not find a positive response among the residents of Villa Mascardi.

For 3 years, its inhabitants have endured

periodic acts of violence by the

Lafken Winkul Mapu

Mapuche community,

which has already

usurped 30 hectares

in the sector considered one of the most attractive and tourist attractions in the town.

The group of residents that make up the Villa Mascardi Neighborhood Council

flatly refused to participate in a meeting

in which Minister Frederic and the Secretary of Security, Gabriel Fuks, would be present, who they consider to be directly responsible for the null progress in the resolution of the conflict .

However, sources from the National Security Ministry informed


that the meeting with "other" neighbors ("Around 8 to 10") took place this afternoon in Squadron 34 of the National Gendarmerie.

They explained that Frutos and the others

had already had a talk with Minister Frederic in Buenos Aires

, trying to minimize the refusal of these residents.

"With this sector we already had two meetings in Buenos Aires," said a voice close to the minister.

The officials arrived in Bariloche this Wednesday to intervene in a new edition of the

Table for Alternative Resolution of Conflicts

with Indigenous Peoples.

The previous one had been on November 12 in Viedma.

The agenda included conversations with representatives of the Federal Police and the National Gendarmerie who would report on the prevailing situation and progress in the surveillance operation that includes the installation of 5 cameras in Mascardi and its surroundings.

But the highlight of the day

was talking with the villagers who have endured more than 100 attacks since 2017.

As this could not materialize, according to the residents assured this newspaper, the officials called residents even from El Foyel, located almost 80 kilometers from Bariloche, and other remote places that have little contact with the reality of Mascardi. 

“There were many attempts to dialogue with the usurpers of Villa Mascardi.

They always responded with violence.

Always promising to

extend the usurped territory

and defend it with arms even at the risk of causing deaths ”, they indicated in a statement from the Neighborhood Council.

“The Executive Power has the duty to enforce the law, stop the commission of crimes, restore possession of the land to its owners, restore public order and prevent environmental damage in the protected environment of public and private domain in border zone.


Neither the Minister of Justice and Human Rights MARCELA LOSARDO who is in charge of the officials MAGDALENA ODARDA and LUIS PILQUIMAN (criminally denounced for treason against the Argentine Nation and illicit association) and the officials of the Administration of National Parks under the presidency of Daniel SOMMA. ”, They add.

The governor of Río Negro, Arabela Carreras, welcomed the arrival of the ministers in Bariloche and said she

understands the decision of the neighbors.

"I would like them to go, because I can transmit their voices although there is nothing better than the direct word of the victims, but I respect them, it is the position that they have adopted," he told El Cordillerano.

“That is the way: the direct involvement of the national government.

I perceive it, I feel heard and supported.

I hope that, in this meeting, we can take some definitions in order to take a further step ”, he stressed.

"(I hope that a definitive cut of the situation that exists in Mascardi is achieved)," he concluded


President Alberto Fernández himself promoted these meetings

after he learned of the attack with stones that the governor suffered in Mascardi on October 19.

On November 25, a group of Mapuche militants brutally attacked the neighbor Diego Frutos, owner of the La Cristalina cabin, during a blockade of Route 40. In a video it is observed that about 5 people kick him unconscious.

Three of the aggressors were identified and now the victim's attorney, Ernesto Saavedra, anticipated that there are elements to accuse one of them of

"attempted murder



The rest could be considered as "necessary participants".

The Guarantee Judge Martín Arroyo ordered that the investigation be extended until May 1, 2021.




Look also

Mapuches attacked police mobiles during an operation in occupied lands in Villa Mascardi

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