The Limited Times

What can and cannot be done this Christmas

12/3/2020, 12:29:13 PM

The Government and the communities have agreed to limit the meetings to 10 people, a curfew until 1.30 on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve and perimeter closures, except to visit relatives

Many people observe the Christmas lighting on Calle Larios, in Malaga.Daniel Pérez / EFE

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The Interterritorial Council of the National Health System this Tuesday has agreed on a document of limitations for the Christmas holidays.

The basic lines that EL PAÍS advanced on Tuesday are maintained: limit meetings to 10 people, curfew until 1.30 on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve and perimeter closures, except to visit family and friends.

Although most of the communities have joined, some have announced that they will be more restrictive, and that they will announce their measures soon.

Others, such as Madrid, have protested the perimeter confinement.

Sources present at the meeting assure that the community has requested the publication in the


of the measures for its compliance, but the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has assured in an appearance after the meeting that it is not necessary: ​​it is enough to inform the autonomous communities.

In any case, Illa has made it clear what she wants citizens to do this Christmas: "At Christmas we must stay at home."

The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, during the press conference offered this Wednesday to report on the current situation of the covid-19 pandemic in Madrid.

On video, his statements.PHOTO: KIKO HUESCA / VIDEO: ATLAS

Can I leave my autonomous community?

You can only change the autonomous community between December 23 and January 6 to visit family or friends.

Communities may restrict these exceptions to specific days.

Canary Islands and Balearic Islands may obviate these limitations.

What are considered relatives and friends?

"We all know what we mean when we talk about relatives and friends," said the Minister of Health.

Salvador Illa has ensured that people are included who, although they do not have a “traditional” family bond, have a “special emotional bond”.

I'm a student, can I go home?

Yes. In this case, it is recommended that they limit social interactions and take extreme measures of prevention 10 days before returning home.

Once at home, it is recommended to limit contacts, respect your conviviality bubble and interact especially outdoors, rather than indoors.

How many people can I meet with?

On December 24, 25 and 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021, meetings of a maximum of 10 people can be held, except in the case of cohabitants.

In any case, it is recommended that these meetings be made up of members who belong to the same coexistence group.

The remaining days will continue to govern the number of people established by the autonomous community.

Are children included?

Yes, these 10 people include children.

The agreement makes no exceptions in this regard.

What time is the curfew?

On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve the communities can begin the curfew, at the latest, at 1.30.

But they can overtake it.

When the cutoff time approaches, you can return home, not go to social events.

The rest of the days will govern the schedule that they have established.

Can people who reside in health centers go out?

It is recommended that, in those cases in which residents of residential social health centers make a longer outing for Christmas celebrations, these are restricted to a single address and maintaining a stable coexistence bubble.

Upon readmission, it is advisable to carry out a diagnostic test for active infection and the days after readmission, surveillance and prevention measures will be taken to the extreme.

Will shops and restaurants open?

Both shops and restaurants will be governed by the rules of capacity and schedules that are in force in each autonomous community.

In bars and restaurants it is recommended to put on the mask when you are not eating and drinking.

With regard to purchases, the advice is to organize them in advance to avoid crowds.

Can you eat or drink on the street?

The Ministry of Health explains that "eating and drinking on public roads is prohibited except for the spaces set up for it", which closes the door to the bottle and other similar activities.

Can cultural and sporting events be held?

No major sporting events can be held and virtual participation modalities are recommended instead.

The traditional Christmas activities that are held in cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, circus tents or similar will be carried out respecting the capacity foreseen in the corresponding autonomous community or city, always maintaining security measures.

Can I go to religious celebrations?

Religious ceremonies in closed spaces will follow the capacity standards established in each autonomous community and city.

The celebration of religious events, such as the mass of the rooster, will not be an obstacle to compliance with the regulation regarding the limitation of the freedom of movement of people at night.

It is recommended to offer telematics or television services as an alternative.

Will there be Christmas events like horseback riding?

Between December 23, 2020 and January 6, 2021, the communities will not allow the holding of face-to-face events with a high number of people, unless compliance with the provisions of the document of

Recommendations for mass events and activities in the context of a new normal for COVID-19 in Spain


Likewise, celebrations that can guarantee compliance with hygiene and prevention regulations are recommended, such as static parades in places where access can be controlled, virtual bells or broadcasts of Christmas events on television or other telematic options.

Information about the coronavirus

- Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic

- Restrictions search engine: What can I do in my municipality?

- This is how the coronavirus curve evolves in the world

- Download the tracking application for Spain

- Guide to action against the disease