The Limited Times

Dpcm: Spirlì, closures for holidays almost criminal act

12/5/2020, 10:39:27 PM

"Close the territories and productive activities such as catering in the three days in which maximum solidarity and the sense of brotherhood are crowned, and decide already today that in those days we should not move even a little, the t ... (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - CATANZARO, 04 DEC - "Close the territories and productive activities such as catering in the three days in which the greatest solidarity and the sense of brotherhood find a crowning achievement, and decide today that in those days we shouldn't move even a little, I find it a quasi-criminal act ".

This was stated by the acting president of the Region Nino Spirlì in reference to the Dpcm presented yesterday by Prime Minister Conte.

    "It means - added Spirlì - that we want to permanently lower the shutters to activities that are able to make some cash in those periods. It is the proven demonstration of a Government that does not listen to the Regions and territories that above all closes around decisions already taken, then presented in the already armored State-Regions conference ".

    For Spirlì "the Government is tetragonal to any availability. It becomes useless at this point to continue to make the Regions work, which are the bastion on the territories, when the Government has decided in such a dull way. A Christmas so hard and difficult perhaps Italy does not deserve it. . But it has already been decided and it therefore seems useless to think of being able to have a comparison with them. We must make it clear in every way that the territories, especially ours, have needs that are not only those of large cities ".

    When asked about his possible contacts with the founder of Emergency, Gino Strada, who is involved in Calabria in the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic, the acting president cut short: "I do a lot of road every day: 130 kilometers on the way out and as many on the way back. that ".