The Limited Times

Greenpeace, Denmark cancels oil and gas permits

12/5/2020, 8:50:42 PM

The Danish Parliament has announced that it will cancel all future licensing of oil and gas exploration and production in the Danish part of the North Sea, and will end existing production by 2050. (ANSA)

The Danish Parliament has announced that it will cancel all future licensing for the exploration and production of oil and gas in the Danish part of the North Sea, and will put an end to existing production by 2050. This was announced by Greenpeace, which speaks of "turning point" and "great victory of the movement for the climate and for all the people who have fought for many years to make this happen".

Denmark, one of the main oil producers in the European Union, explains the environmental association, has announced its decision to phase out fossil fuels.

Furthermore, the political agreement reached establishes the allocation of money to ensure a just transition for the workers affected by these measures.

"Denmark - says Helene Hagel, head of climate and environmental policy at Greenpeace Denmark - will now set an expiration date for oil and gas production and is establishing itself as a green pioneer to inspire other countries to end our dependence on fuels. fossils that destroy the climate ".

According to Greenpeace, Denmark, one of the largest oil producers in the EU and one of the richest countries in the world, has a moral obligation to end the search for new oil to send a clear signal that the world can and must act to respect the Paris Agreement and mitigate the climate crisis.

"Denmark is a small country, but it has the potential to pave the way for the necessary transition to green and renewable energy - continues Hagel -. Now the government and political parties must take the next step and plan a phasing out of the production of existing oil in the Danish part of the North Sea by 2040, ”he concludes.