The Limited Times

New development area: Now the young people have a say

12/6/2020, 6:14:32 PM

When planning the new development area north of Geistbühelstrasse in Weilheim, the population is included. Now the youth also got their chance.

When planning the new development area north of Geistbühelstrasse in Weilheim, the population is included.

Now the youth also got their chance.


- Most of the small needles with the colorful icons on the city map were pinned along the bunting at the end.

They had almost 20 students from Weilheimer Gymnasium in a workshop.

And so the young people have now been asked for their opinion - when it comes to public participation for the new development area north of Geistbühelstrasse.

“We still miss you”, said city architect Andrea Roppel-Sommer as a greeting;

and did not mean that disrespectfully: “We want to incorporate your ideas into the planning.” Jan Weber-Ebnet, co-owner of the Munich office “bauwärts”, which looks after citizens' participation on behalf of the city, also said: “You are the ones who are know about the city, you have a feel for it. "

The citizens of Weilheim were already involved in the planning at hands-on stations and city walks on three days at the end of July as well as a postcard campaign - but due to the corona and time constraints, special participation of children and young people was not possible at the time.

That is why Weber-Ebnet turned to biology teacher Christian Thum, who also oversees the “Environmental School” project at the grammar school: Interested pupils should represent Weilheim's youth and give their opinion on the construction project and the planned public park.

And so, despite temperatures below zero, 11th grade students from the bilingual profile subject "Geography" and some environmental scouts from the 10th grade came to the outdoor planning workshop with masks, kept their distance and equipped with hot drinks.

They were accompanied by biology teacher Thum and geography teacher Michael Scharbert, who is also the coordinator for bilingual lessons.

Behind the church of St. Pölten with a view of the building site up to the railroad tracks, the “bauwärts” team had fixed a large city map of the district town on a table.

In a first round, the experts learned, among other things, where the young people in the city spend their free time, where they meet, where they chill, where they do sports and where they retreat.

The result: Most of the pins were on the Ammer, but also several at the skater park, at the senior playground at the city theater, in the center and in the great outdoors around the city.

The direction for the second round was already clear: At least the high school students surveyed do not need or want a new public park as we know it.

They are more likely to envision a site on which small concerts can take place or they can set up a music system for parties themselves - so, for example, a power connection must be provided.

These and other suggestions for the open space and mobility in the new residential area are now being documented and evaluated by the Munich office - and then sent to the city.

The students will also receive the evaluation.

Geography and English teacher Scharbert, who took part in such a workshop on urban development with the group for the first time, promises: “With the profile group we will definitely stay tuned.” Much to the delight of Mayor Markus Loth.

Shortly after the meeting, he announced: "We are pleased that the group would like to contribute to the further development of the area and that the school would like to be active as a sponsor in the area."