The Limited Times

In Venice, St. Mark's Square and the Grand Canal light up for Christmas

12/6/2020, 10:19:14 PM

Deserted by tourists due to a pandemic, Venice has decided despite everything to don its finery and illuminate in an exceptional way for the end of the year celebrations two of its most famous attractions: St. Mark's Square and the Rialto Bridge overlooking the Grand Canal. In Saint Mark's Square, where the famous basilica of the same name sits, the Italian artist Fabrizio Plessi has installed a

Deserted by tourists due to a pandemic, Venice has decided despite everything to don its finery and illuminate in an exceptional way for the end of the year celebrations two of its most famous attractions: St. Mark's Square and the Rialto Bridge overlooking the Grand Canal.

In Saint Mark's Square, where the famous basilica of the same name sits, the Italian artist Fabrizio Plessi has installed a singular Christmas tree between two tall columns, at the very place where the capital executions took place at the time when the Serenissima was still an independent republic.

Huge rectangular screens projecting images of golden color are stacked on top of each other to form the silhouette of the traditional Christmas tree.

At night, these screens flood the square and passers-by with a warm light that reflects off the damp slabs covering the famous square.

My goal is to illuminate this city, which needs light, which needs culture, which needs new emotions,

” Fabrizio Plessi told AFPTV, who with his white beard looks like a father. Christmas.

Because of the pandemic, “

this Christmas is different from the others,

” he admits.

Unfortunately, we have this problem like any other all over the world, but I strongly believe in positivity,

” he adds.

Asked about the iconoclastic and innovative character of his Christmas tree, he replied: "

I work a lot with digital technology and all contemporary instruments, because I think an artist should use all the means that his time makes available to him


At the end of St. Mark's Square, facing the majestic basilica, another of his works, entitled “

The Golden Age

”, has been installed: large screens housed in the windows of the first floor of the Correr Museum project images of torrents of golden light reminiscent of molten gold.


I believe that having two great works in such a wonderful place is a huge privilege

", rejoices the artist.

In addition to Saint Mark's Square, the Rialto Bridge, another symbol of the City of the Doges whose elegant stone silhouette dominates the Grand Canal, also benefits from exceptional illumination for the end of year celebrations.

As soon as night falls, images are projected on its arches, like angels, but also the famous golden lion on a red background, symbol of the city.

These images are reflected in the waters of the Grand Canal, helping to create a magical atmosphere.