The Limited Times

Satirist Jan Böhmermann targets VW: Spectators horrified: "Unscrupulous", "the next car NOT a VW"

12/6/2020, 7:43:42 PM

Jan Böhmermann took a closer look at Volkswagen and covered everything from the Nazi era to the present. Many users are appalled in the social networks. 

Jan Böhmermann took a closer look at Volkswagen and covered everything from the Nazi era to the present.

Many users are appalled in the social networks. 

Munich - The TV satirist Jan Böhmermann likes to work on the big ones.

His humiliating poem about Turkish President

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

(“Star at every gangbang celebration”) triggered a veritable state crisis in 2016 and ended up in front of the BGH.

Most recently, Böhmermann's attacks hit

Jeff Bezos

and the Quandt family.



founder made three billion dollars when selling a block of shares at the beginning of November, while the company also pays no taxes in the USA, said Böhmermann.

And with a view to the

Quandt family

, Böhmermann said that the


* main owners had just granted themselves 760 million euros in dividends after the car manufacturer had received state short-time work money in the spring.

On Friday, the multiple Grimme Prize winner struck again in his new show ZDF Magazin Royale.

And this time it got



He loves


, assured the 39-year-old at the beginning of his contribution and then set off on a nearly 15-minute parforce ride through the dark sides of the company's history, from the Nazi era to the new plant in

Xinjiang, China in 2013


VW: Parforce ride through the dark sides of the company's history

First, Böhmermann recalled the founding of the company, Adolf Hitler's order to



to build an affordable Volkswagen and the deployment of foreign and forced laborers and concentration camp prisoners at



Later, Porsche personally urged SS chief Heinrich Himmler to “have even more concentration camp prisoners available”.

After the war,

from 1953 onwards




no qualms about working with the military dictatorship in



In addition, Böhmermann recorded an interview with long-time



Carl Hahn

, who said of corporate policy in those years that “people tried to build automobiles.

Regardless of who rules the country.

We leave that to the natives ”.

Humor is not when everyone laughs!

- Jan 🦠 MASK ON 😷 WASH HANDS 🦠 Böhmermann 🤨 (@janboehm) November 15, 2020

VW: "A completely normal psychopathic top manager"

Ferdinand Piech


who died in 2019,

does not get off well in the post either.

The legendary


boss was a "completely normal psychopathic top manager", said Böhmermann and garnished that with an excerpt from a press conference.

"Whenever it comes to war, there are fewer in the end, and there are always winners and losers," said Piech shortly after his appointment to the top of the group in 1993.

"And I intend to be the winner with our partners (...)."

Böhmermann also recalled a report by


, according to which the incumbent Prime Minister of Lower Saxony

Stephan Weil


initially sent

his government

statement on the


diesel scandal

to the corporate lawyers for examination.

As a member of the


supervisory board, he was actually there to control the company.

"But strange, somehow it looks like it's the other way around," said Böhmermann.

VW: CEO Herbert Diess is also getting his fat off

And then the Bremen man also took on the

VW plant




According to media reports, around one million


are believed to be


in the western Chinese province


According to a faded in Google map, there are said to be

25 labor camps and prisons for this ethnic group

in the vicinity of the

VW plant


In addition, the editors of the satirical magazine recorded a TV interview with



Herbert Diess


When asked by a TV reporter whether he, Diess, had no knowledge of the re-education camps, the VW boss said tight-lipped that he was “unknown” about it.

@Janboehm is working on Volkswagen and its history of human rights violations today in #zdfmagazin, including this graphic: Labor camp near a VW factory in China.

- Daniel Drepper (@danieldrepper) November 13, 2020

At the end of the article, Böhmermann recalls an article from the



The business newspaper reported in March 2019 that Diess said at an internal event in front of the Group's top managers, "Ebit makes you free".

Ebit is earnings before interest and taxes.

Many executives, however, felt reminded of the expression “Arbeit macht frei” that was posted at the entrance gates to National Socialist concentration camps and reacted with horror.

Diess was


for this shortly afterwards by the


supervisory board and apologized on


for the unsuccessful language.

VW: Excitement on social networks

Böhmermann's contribution caused a sensation in social networks.

The post has already been viewed over half a million times




and received around 26,000 likes.


VW there

is definitely a good atmosphere in the press department," speculates a user on



“Pale unshaven boy must have shaved again,” jokes another.

But many users are critical of the subjective compilation of the VW history.

He did not know that

VW was

"so unscrupulous," writes a



Another said: "The labor camp in #China around the local #



The #


-hefetage around Herbert #Diess of course knows nothing ... like the #Dieselskandal ".

And for another Twitter user, the brand is now simply out of the question: “Ok, after the current episode #zdfmagazin, the next car will NOT be a



What a shame, with such a friendly, small family business. ”

* is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital editorial network.