The Limited Times

SPD leader Esken does not rule out GroKo re-edition after the federal election - "Can fall on your feet"

12/6/2020, 9:23:30 PM

SPD leader Saskia Esken comments on a possible new edition of the grand coalition after the federal election in 2021. Olaf Scholz also speaks out.

SPD leader Saskia Esken comments on a possible new edition of the grand coalition after the federal election in 2021. Olaf Scholz also speaks out.

Berlin - SPD leader

Saskia Esken

does not

rule out

a new edition of the

grand coalition

with the Union * after the

general election

next year.

Esken affirmed in

Der Spiegel


that she did not want this.

But the party leader also said: “Excluding coalitions can fall on your feet.” For weeks she has been promoting “a progressive alliance under the



SPD chancellor candidate

Olaf Scholz

told the


that a real change of government could "only happen with a social democratic chancellor".

When asked whether he also

wanted to govern

with the


, Scholz said: “Whoever wants to govern must be capable of governing.

And some parties still have to do something. "

Federal election 2021: Saskia Esken does not rule out grand coalition with Union

In the



published on

Thursday by





is 15 percent, the

Greens *

are at 21 and the left * at 7 percent.

CDU / CSU come to 36 percent.


year after taking office



and co-chairman

Norbert Walter-Borjans

are keeping a renewed candidacy for party chairmanship


“I'm increasingly enjoying being party leader,” said Esken.

“Before the party congress in winter 2021, we will decide whether we will run again.” Walter-Borjans said he had the feeling that the

SPD was

moving in the right direction.

"And we will see how things continue after the federal election."


is not planning a new attempt at the party chairmanship.

Even if he becomes chancellor after the federal election, he will not reach for the

SPD chairmanship

, he told the



With a view to




, he said: “We should continue working together as good as the one we have now developed.” Scholz was defeated by Esken and Walter-Borjans in an SPD membership decision for party chairmanship last year .

(dpa) * is part of the Ippen digital network.