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The assassination of the nuclear scientist restarts the Iranian fraud system - Walla! news

12/6/2020, 10:26:32 PM

The unveiling of the Iranian nuclear archive has connected all the points regarding the role of Fahrizadeh - the man who led a huge operation that links all the development and production companies, and is responsible for hiding it

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Assassination of the father of the Iranian bomb

The assassination of the nuclear scientist is rebooting the Iranian fraud system

The unveiling of the Iranian nuclear archive has connected all the points regarding the real role of Fahrizadeh - the man who ran a huge operation that links all the nuclear weapons development and production companies, and is responsible for hiding it.

His assassination will force the ayatollahs' regime to draw up a new defense plan for the project


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Amir Bohbot

Saturday, 05 December 2020, 14:10

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In the video: The coffin of Muhsan Fahrizadeh arrived in the capital Tehran (Photo: Reuters)

The top Israeli intelligence officials recently presented to the senior political echelon the picture of the threat posed by Iran across all channels, and its dramatic intensification in recent years.

This picture shows that alongside the "maximum pressure" strategy, further improvements are needed on the covert level.

For example, tightening relations with the countries of the region.

Defense officials say signing peace agreements and normalizing relations with Arab Sunni states based on common interests will increase the effectiveness of dealing with Iran in the unity of messages, courses of action and even in the intelligence sphere, which is defined as critical in the shadow war.

Operation Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated Mohsen Fhrizadh last week 60 km from Tehran revealed some more in the hunt for smaller pieces of information.

The defense establishment confirmed this week that the name of Fhrizadh, "the father of Iran's nuclear program" and who was a disciple of the father of Pakistan's nuclear program Abdul Qadeer Khan Ann, known to Israel for many years despite his secrecy. "I knew Fahrizadeh much better than he would like me to know him," former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Walla! NEWS. Fahrizadeh's name was known to him 15 years ago. One leader in the world with whom I shared my knowledge of who and what he is, without elaborating, "he adds.

In 2016, while the research division at the Armed Forces under the command of Brigadier General Eli Ben Meir began to develop methodological tools for more accurate monitoring of nuclear facilities. The Iranians are violating the agreement, the focus has been shifted to two leading figures in the Iranian security leadership, one public and relatively noisy named Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Quds Force who financed and directed terrorism, and undermined stability in the Middle East. On the weapons plan,

Fahrizadeh's work was given to Simo

Much more significant with the unveiling of the Iranian nuclear archive by the Israeli Mossad in 2018.

Suddenly, pieces that were known in the puzzle were easily connected and built a complete picture, officials in the defense establishment explained, adding that they also found out what gaps Israel had in the pursuit of the nuclear project.

Hence the importance of the archive.

These critical points that are connected are based on the CD piles of the Iranian nuclear archive.

Therefore, there is an assessment in the defense establishment that its liquidation last Friday will have a significant practical effect on the various projects over a long period of time.

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Disclosure of the nuclear archive clarified the role of Fahrizadeh (Photo: Reuters)

A strategy that addresses all Iranian threats.

Champion Herzli Halevi

In 2017, Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and then-security chief Maj. Gen. Herzli Halevi joined hands and worked to advance a number of diplomatic, economic and military processes against the Iranian triple effort. No more activity only against the nuclear project, but a strategy that addresses all Iranian threats and aligns well with American strategy. Led by US President Donald Trump, who entered the White House that year.

In less than a year and a half into his tenure, Trump announced a withdrawal from the nuclear deal and the approval of a "maximum pressure" strategy on the Iranian regime, while imposing heavy sanctions on Tehran.

Unlike Obama, Trump focused, similar to Israeli policy, on three main Iranian efforts: the nuclear project effort, the effort to intensify advanced conventional weapons with an emphasis on precision missiles, and the Iranian establishment in the area, mainly through emissaries like Shiite militias from Afghanistan, Iraq or Iraq. Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip or Syrians in the Golan Heights.

According to security sources in Israel, the three efforts support each other, to serve the ultimate goal: the production of nuclear bombs.

Alongside these there are other elements like terrorism and cyber, but they have been set by the Iranians as sub-targets.

The Israeli effort was in line with President Trump's policy on the Iranian issue.

Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi and Head of the Mossad Yossi Cohen, May 2020 (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

The results of Trump's strategy looked good.

Iran's economic situation deteriorated rapidly and was reflected in the negative growth and diving of the currency.

As part of the same strategy, which unlike Obama chose to focus on all of Iran's efforts to shake up the Middle East, Qassem Suleimani was eliminated in January this year.

"This is not a knockout," senior Israeli officials said, but described it as a severe blow to the Iranians.

As befits a country with a history of thousands of years have demonstrated the Iranians resilience and adaptability in front of a superpower like the United States and just decided to wait patiently for replacing the administration White House. Re-election Trump was leading in another direction.

On the one hand they say in confidence that the assassination of Fhrizadh does not make it not be possible Make nuclear bombs without it, but it would not be true to say that there are many factors that could get into his shoes tomorrow. And the weapons project on all its parts are ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, rocket conversions to precision missiles, etc. Fahrizadeh by the defense establishment was not a world-renowned nuclear expert like his famous teacher from Pakistan, but he was the only one who knew how to integrate all companies. , Emphasizing the challenges it has posed to Iranian scientists time and time again in the process of turning capabilities into nuclear weapons.

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For the Israeli defense establishment, the Suleimani assassination did not constitute a knockout for the Iranians.

Trump, November 2020 (Photo: Roberts)

To understand the magnitude of the blow that landed on the Iranians one has to go back in time.

From the late 1990s until 2003, Fahrizadeh was the de facto director of the Iranian nuclear project, the purpose of which was to produce operational nuclear weapons in practice.

By 2003 the Iranians had already internalized that their activities were too noisy and they were required in a very creative and convoluted way to create scams and hide if their actions.

Fahrizadeh moves to the side, or rather upwards, so that at the end of the process he is appointed head of research and development (R&D). Therefore, Olmert claims that he has known him for 15 years. As director of R&D (Safhan - his code name in Persian, AB) He makes the decision to split the various fields of knowledge into different companies and channels to prevent full exposure to the West and in general.

Its main purpose is not only to ensure that the various projects progress in parallel to serve the same purpose, but also that they remain in the shadows, away from the public eye and the intelligence agencies.

Therefore, Fahrizadeh is among the few if not the only one who really knows what is going on in each and every project and how the various infrastructures connect to create the whole mighty project relevant to nuclear weapons production.

According to sources in the security system, the map of all the companies and the solution to the technological challenges that are expected in the present and in the future are in the brilliant mind of Fahrizadeh, so when looking at the Iranian security system, he was one of a kind.

In recent days, a number of officials in Jerusalem have argued that it is not for nothing that the Iranians have taken care to hide it from the public eye, to protect it at the highest level of security, and moreover to allow it to only indirectly manipulate the International Atomic Energy Agency to prevent any exposure to Western diplomats. International.

All this to prevent information leakage that will help prove that Iran is going over the edge.

His expertise was not in the technological knowledge, but in the ability to manage all the projects side by side, without them knowing about each other.

"Is he considered one of the top scientists in the global scientific community? I do not think so. But he was certainly a scientist, he knew how to make a nuclear bomb and what it takes, and also how to build this system and its various components, so that in the end everyone's products They will connect together, "says Olmert." We saw in him a person with the ability who was a very central axis to produce this process. "

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visits Bushehr nuclear power plant, 2015 (Photo: AP)

Unlike terrorist organizations and other countries in the region, Iran is defined by the defense establishment as a restrained regime, one that thinks ten times about every step it takes.

They responded to Suleimani's assassination by launching 12 missiles on an American base in Iraq - an operation that ended without casualties and with several wounded soldiers.

The same is true of the nuclear program.

Despite the sanctions imposed by Trump and his threats to aggravate them, the ayatollahs' regime is careful not to break the civil uranium enrichment framework (around 4.5% energy / electricity) to a higher enrichment level of 20% as in the past (and can be used for military purposes).

Tehran also operates a position of restraint in Tehran, despite their determination to establish itself in Syria.

The exception in this regard is the incident in Saudi Arabia in September 2019. At that time, a combined attack by the Houthis, Iranian envoys, on Aramco, the world's largest oil company, was hit by cruise missiles, skimmers and unmanned aerial vehicles made in Iran.

The ayatollahs' regime proved to have read the regional map correctly, as it did not pay a heavy price for that attack.

Last week, cruise missiles were again used against targets in Saudi Arabia, killing Saudi soldiers.

The defense establishment estimates that these attacks are a product of the heavy economic pressure exerted on Iran and out of a desire to create a balance of terror.

Senior officials in Jerusalem have explained in recent weeks that in order to achieve accuracy in harming Iran's combined effort, the United States and Israel have tightened intelligence cooperation to the highest level in several decades.

Israel also needs rethinking. Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi has decided to address the threat The handling of the Iranian threat went a step further and established the Strategy Division, headed by a General whose role is to think of strategic ways of dealing with Iran within a year and even a decade. In addition, its role is to pinpoint the IDF's force building in Iranian weapons, terrorism and establishment in countries around Israel.

Five years after Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Izenkot decided, with the approval of the political echelon, to transfer billions of shekels from the Air Force's readiness to attack Iran to the readiness of the ground forces to maneuver deep into enemy territory, the stage has come to recalculate.

This is not to say that the Air Force is not practiced on intensive assaults third circuit, but may very well present a new agreement or a turn in relation to the White House on Iran, the IDF will carry out repair and redesign aerial preparedness budget higher than in the past.

Ultimately Fhrizadh's dream was to reach the moment Where he will receive the approval of the President of Iran to press the button and connect all the many companies involved in the process, to reach the ultimate goal.It can now be determined with great certainty that the assassination of Suleimani and Fahrizadeh will not only deter Iran in the next steps towards nuclear and export terrorism. Their to advance in the nuclear weapons project.

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