The Limited Times

The scandals of the Dutch government's involvement in supporting terrorism in Syria are continuing and warrant accountability

12/6/2020, 11:51:22 PM

Amsterdam-SANA A new chapter in the scandal of Dutch involvement in supporting terrorist organizations in Syria is unfolding before public opinion


A new chapter in the scandal of the Netherlands’s involvement in supporting terrorist organizations in Syria is unfolding in front of world public opinion after Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte recently admitted that he personally intervened to obstruct parliamentary investigations into his government’s provision of millions of dollars to terrorists, which shows the blatant hypocrisy in the policies of the Netherlands and the West regarding allegations of fighting terrorism. And the protection of human rights.

The new development witnessed by the Dutch scandal file came after Rutte was forced a few days ago to admit that he had obstructed the investigations of a fact-finding committee formed in the Dutch Parliament two years ago after Dutch media published files revealing the Dutch government's involvement in supporting terrorists in Syria over several years and providing them with technological equipment. Especially for communications, military and logistical equipment, and hundreds of trucks and various vehicles.

At the time, the Dutch investigators did not reach any conclusion because of his obstruction of the work of this committee and his deliberate concealment of secrets that prove his direct involvement with terrorists and his flagrant violation of international and Dutch law, as the organizations that he supports financially and logistically in Syria are classified as terrorist organizations by the Dutch Public Prosecution Office itself.

The Parliamentary Investigation Committee was formed in the Netherlands after two media outlets revealed in a special documentary in 2017 the Dutch government's support for about 22 terrorist groups, including the so-called "Levantine Front" organization, which is classified as terrorist even by Dutch institutions.

Rute's obstruction of the investigations met with great indignation on the Dutch street, as the media there focused on his government's involvement in providing millions of dollars, foodstuffs, medicines and communication equipment to terrorists, while Dutch and European parties started raising this issue on public opinion platforms calling for transparency and the truth wondering about the benefit of democracy if it is not reflected on The Ethical Dimensions of International Politics.

Dutch support for armed terrorist groups continued throughout the years of the war on Syria despite the pledges of the Amsterdam government to its parliament that only the organizations that it described as "moderate" would receive support in their own way with the hypocrisy followed by the United States of America, which has always claimed that it provides support and training to those who She described them as the "moderate opposition", following the reports that refute this and confirm that the "Washington moderates" are nothing but terrorists who joined the ranks of terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda and "ISIS".

The Dutch Broadcasting Corporation "NOS" had confirmed in September 2018 that the Dutch government supports a terrorist group, the "Levantine Front" organization, classified by the Dutch Public Prosecutor's Office as a terrorist organization, and provided it with equipment and logistical services between 2015 and 2018.

The Dutch government invoked the reasons for its illegal interference to obstruct the course of the investigations into the scandal that the investigation would lead to the disclosure of classified information, in addition to exposing the alleged international coalition to fight “ISIS” in reference to the crimes committed by the Western countries affiliated with this alliance against Syrian civilians and the Syrian infrastructure under allegations. The fight against terrorism, while the facts of the field confirm the involvement of this coalition in protecting “ISIS”.

The Dutch Foreign Minister, Steve Blok, previously called for the investigations to be halted, saying that "they will lead to great problems in terms of uncovering top-secret matters and embarrassing allies, who will necessarily be affected by the Dutch investigations."

The Dutch government's fear of exposing these scandals prompted it to launch new allegations and allegations against Syria with regard to human rights to cover up its involvement and support for terrorism and its dependence on the decision of its American master as it tries to use the International Court of Justice in The Hague to serve Western agendas. Investigations of Dutch involvement in supporting terrorism led the Dutch public opinion to question the credibility of its official institutions about what is happening in Syria.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates confirmed during last September that the Dutch government is the last to have the right to speak about human rights after its scandal in front of the Dutch public opinion and taxpayers from its people as a result of its support and financing of armed organizations in Syria that the Dutch Public Prosecution classifies terrorist organizations.

The Netherlands is the second European country after Belgium, compared to the number of inhabitants, which had the largest share of the number of terrorists who went to fight alongside terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq, whose number is estimated in the hundreds.

The Dutch Ministry of Justice announced in 2015 that hundreds of Dutch citizens traveled to Syria and Iraq with the aim of joining terrorist organizations, noting that 30 of them were killed and that some of them returned to the country, as the Ministry's assessments indicated that these (terrorists) participated in several terrorist events, most notably the Charlie Hebdo incident. ) In Paris.

The Dutch intelligence agency admitted in February of 2017 that it is dealing with dozens of Dutch children who traveled with or without their parents to the areas of the spread of the terrorist organization "ISIS" in Iraq and Syria and received military training by the extremist organization.

However, Dutch media and observers indicated in media reports in 2018 that the roots of the problem of support for terrorism are found in the policies of the Dutch government, pointing out in this regard that the reason for this increase in extremist ideology within Dutch society is due to several factors, starting with the local political context and the policies of successive governments, to the existence of networks. Connecting with terrorist organizations inside and outside Dutch society.

The Netherlands, which is considered one of the most European countries to export terrorists to Syria and Iraq, and the Dutch government's support for terrorist organizations in the context of its submission to the American decision, makes it the last to be entitled to talk about democracy and human rights in Syria or elsewhere and its government requires accountability before the International Court of Justice that hosts it more than any other country. .

Basimah Kanon and Ali Majd