The Limited Times

Forecast: Local rain in the north and center Israel today

12/7/2020, 8:19:33 PM

| around theThe weather will be cloudy to partly cloudy, and the rain is expected to continue • Tomorrow and Tuesday temperatures are expected to rise • And what is expected later this week? The full forecast The weather today (Sunday) will be cloudy to partly cloudy, with local rain falling in the north and center of the country. In the Mediterranean, a southerly wind is expected to reach speeds of up to 30

The weather will be cloudy to partly cloudy, and the rain is expected to continue • Tomorrow and Tuesday temperatures are expected to rise • And what is expected later this week?

The full forecast

The weather today (Sunday) will be cloudy to partly cloudy, with local rain falling in the north and center of the country.

In the Mediterranean, a southerly wind is expected to reach speeds of up to 30 km / h. 

Archive photo

On Monday, fine weather is expected, temperatures will rise and humidity will drop.

During the day it will get warmer than usual.

The Meteo Tech Center said that on Tuesday it will be partly cloudy to clear and warmer than usual.

In the morning, strong easterly winds will blow in the north of the country and in the evening there may be a drizzle until light rain.

On Wednesday the weather will be partly cloudy with a slight drop in temperatures, and in the morning there may be local rain.

The next day will be fine, there will be a slight warming and a decrease in humidity will be felt.

In the morning, strong easterly winds will blow in the north of the country and throughout the day it will be warmer than usual.

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