The Limited Times

Coronavirus and the lesson of the XXL holiday: they admit that 'especially at night it is difficult to enforce the regulations'

12/8/2020, 8:43:24 PM

Of the 630,000 people who processed the Summer Certificate, almost 70% chose destinations in the province of Buenos Aires. The conclusions of the mini-vacations, facing the summer season.

Irene Hartmann

12/08/2020 16:09

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 12/08/2020 16:09

“I did a round of consultations with each mayor.

The vision is that, especially

at night, it is more difficult to guarantee compliance with regulations

against the coronavirus.

They reported situations to me.

In Pinamar they had to intervene before ten complaints of


that could not take place.

In Villa Gesell, in some bars the protocols were not respected: distancing and wearing chinstraps.

And there was an irresponsible situation in a spa in Punta Mogotes, in Mar del Plata, of a party in a pool, without the care ”.

The summary of

Augusto Costa

, Minister of Production, Science and Technological Innovation of the province of Buenos Aires (portfolio that is responsible for the "Tourism" area), is realistic, transparent and not surprising.

He himself judged it like this: “There were no situations that were of significant gravity.

Everything moved in a frame, we would say,




contacted Costa to find out the results of what was undoubtedly a litmus test: to rehearse, on an XXL weekend, the summer vacation 2021. It could be “reasonable”, using the minister's words, “to disband” , or neither, but represent a failure in economic terms.

An air of frank


dominated this Tuesday


Both in that Buenos Aires portfolio and in the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation, from where they shared some figures from the weekend:

630,000 people

traveled with their Summer Certificate to different destinations in the country, of which


(428,000 people) they went to the province of

Buenos Aires


There, the ranking of favorite destinations was, 1) the Coastal Party, 2) Mar del Plata, 3) Villa Gesell, 4) Pinamar, 5) Monte Hermoso and 6) Miramar.

Groups of tourists on a beach in Mar del Plata: Photo: Christian Heit

Costa (an economist with a bulky curriculum) was calm, as if he had successfully fulfilled the goals he had set for himself: the first, to

economically activate

a sector hit hard by the pandemic.

Second, to achieve it by controlling as much as possible the demonic

reach of the coronavirus


Despite the titles of these hours on

clandestine parties

(at the end of this note there were 70 interventions in the Buenos Aires radio), the official said that “for two long months we have been working with the municipalities and the Nation to implement the different protocols.

Beyond some episodes, everything happened within the



Costa was sure of the strategy deployed in terms of controls and denied the need to add changes.

Anyway, he clarified: “We have a seasonal interministerial committee, which has representatives from the Chief of Staff, Health, Transportation and Production, among others, where next

week we are going to meet to evaluate how this first weekend was


There we will see if we implement something new or not.

We will do a

detailed evaluation

and take the measures that need to be taken.

But I am calm ”.

However, if one insists, the minister admits the ghosts in his head: “My concern?

We have as a reference what happened in other parts of the world where there were

outbreaks or second waves of coronavirus in the summer


Experiences cannot be extrapolated, but the concern is that: we may have a regrowth when the vaccine coverage is not yet available. "

For Costa, "it is central to insist on individual behavior.

The pandemic has not ended

. We have an

urgent need

for economic activity to reactivate. We have the conditions for that to happen. Let's not let there be behaviors that are contrary to that objective."

The Mar del Plata beach during the long weekend.

Photo: Christian Heit

For now, the figures for the weekend are an air in favor: “



40% more tourists

than on the same date last year.

It is very difficult to compare because in 2019 it was not a long weekend (December 8 fell on Sunday), but hotel occupancy this weekend was 69%.

Necochea was above 70%.

They are very important figures ”.

To these numbers we should add others that were provided from the Nation: such as occupancy above 80% in destinations of the Partido de la Costa and Villa Gesell, and that Mar del Plata received some 100,000 tourists.

In a brief exchange with


, the Minister of Tourism and Sports Matías Lammens expressed his happiness for the

"high occupancy in the main destinations of the country"

, and claimed to have been "in contact with mayors, provincial officials and governors, who expressed the very high compliance with health protocols ". 

Long weekend in Mar del Plata.

Photo: Christian Heit

Those who have been pointing out weaknesses on the part of the Government in the management of the pandemic, surely they will like to know that it is planned to "launch a

massive awareness campaign

, to enjoy a well-deserved vacation with the appropriate care," said Lammens, before adding : "This first experience will allow us to

adjust details

and renew our enthusiasm to have a good summer season."

Try and failure

Did everyone apply for the Summer Certificate or were there



From the Lammens environment they clarified the imperfections that they will have to adjust.

They said that "there is a universe, a percentage of people who traveled before the certificate was mandatory."

And they recognized that some have probably ("perhaps, due to ignorance") arrived at the destinations

without the corresponding certificate

 and without being checked at corresponding points.

However, Costa insisted that the clean pass is positive.

"There are isolated cases,

people who resisted wearing the chinstrap or distancing themselves

", but "most of the tourists had a responsible behavior, respecting the rules of coexistence."

Now, what will happen from now on if a person or a certain group insists on disregarding the rules that prevent coronavirus infections?

Could they "kick" them off their own vacation?

According to Costa, “the measure taken by the municipality or the provincial teams is to urge people to adapt to the behaviors.

It is about raising awareness.

There are no punitive measures


However, expelling someone is a municipal decision, if it is considered that it puts others at risk.

The municipality has the responsibility to

protect the rest


That is the message ”.

National overview

Costa clarified that, “based on surveys and surveys and intuitive analysis, tourism, this summer, will be more of



People do not want to be away from home, in case of any inconvenience.

We believe this is going to mark the season. "

If one considers that this weekend was a "rehearsal" of what will happen, perhaps it is a good guide to know

the most chosen destinations in each province

, according to data from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation, based on the 630,000 people who traveled with the Summer Certificate (which, from now on, leaves out the provinces that do not require this document).

In addition to the 428,006 that traveled through the province of Buenos Aires, 37,783 traveled through Córdoba (to Villa Carlos Paz, Mina Clavero, Santa Rosa de Calamuchita), 37,646 to Entre Ríos (to Gualeguaychú, Puerto Ibicuy, Federación, Colón, Victoria and Concepción del Uruguay) and 23,315 to Neuquén (the favorites, San Martín de los Andes, Villa la Angostura and Villa Pehuenia).

Jujuy follows on a smaller scale, with 5,917 people (who traveled through San Salvador, Tilcara, San Pedro and Purmamarca);

Río Negro, with 4,731 (mostly to Bariloche, Las Grutas and El Bolsón);

San Juan, with 4,694 (tourists who chose the capital and Rivadavia);

Santa Fe

, with 3,737 (the favorites: Rosario and Venado Tuerto);

Mendoza, with 3,665 (the strong ones: San Rafael, the capital and Godoy Cruz);

Salta, with 1,681 (mainly the capital, Oran and Cafayate, were chosen), and Tierra Del Fuego, with 1,124 travelers.


Look also

They confirm that the Oxford and Astra Zeneca vaccine against coronavirus is effective in 70% of cases

How the City is going to do to control that travelers take the mandatory saliva test