The Limited Times

Vaccination, threatened deconfinement, trial of the 2015 attacks: the information to remember today

12/8/2020, 3:53:13 PM

Here are the news to remember from this Monday, December 7 at midday. The main info Vaccination against Covid-19 has started in the UK. Margaret Keenan, a 90-year-old British grandmother, on Tuesday became the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, as part of the massive vaccination campaign launched by the United Kingdom, the first in a country western. The most bereaved country in Europe with nearly 61,500 dead, the United Kingdom is

The main info

Vaccination against Covid-19 has started in the UK.

Margaret Keenan, a 90-year-old British grandmother, on Tuesday became the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, as part of the massive vaccination campaign launched by the United Kingdom, the first in a country western.

The most bereaved country in Europe with nearly 61,500 dead, the United Kingdom is the first in the world to have authorized the deployment of the vaccine in early December from the laboratories of the American-German alliance Pfizer / BioNTech, a speed criticized by some scientists.


Covid-19: Margaret, 90, first vaccinated in England

What to also remember

  • Deconfinement on December 15?

    "We will advise", proclaims Castex.

    Questioned by our colleagues from the World, Jean Castex does not move forward at this stage on lifting the confinement on December 15, subject to an expected threshold of 5,000 cases per day: "We are on a plateau," notes the Prime Minister.

    We will advise according to the evolution of these data.

    I will always keep the same line of conduct: priority to prevention and the health security of our fellow citizens.

    A defense council is scheduled for Wednesday morning and Jean Castex is due to hold a press conference Thursday evening.

  • The requisitions in the trial of the attacks of January 2015.

    From 5 years in prison to life required have just been requested against the defendants tried before the Special Assize Court.

    The national anti-terrorism prosecution has therefore requested life imprisonment against the main accused Ali Riza Polat at the trial of the January 2015 attacks against Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher.

    Thirty years of criminal imprisonment were required against the fleeing companion of Amedy Coulibaly, Hayat Boumeddiene, tried by default.

    In total, 5 years of required life imprisonment were required against the defendants.

  • A “Beauvau de la Sécurité” in January.

    In the midst of the controversy over "police violence", Emmanuel Macron decided to hold from January a "Beauvau de la sécurité" on a reform of the police, in order to "improve the working conditions" of the forces of order and "consolidate" ties with the French.

    This "Grenelle de la police" will be based on the seven reform projects presented by Gérald Darmanin at the end of November: training, supervision, resources, video capture of interventions, inspection, staff and link between the police and the population, including the fight against discrimination and the report to the media.

  • France, last of the class in maths.

    French children in CM1 and fourth class are, in math and science, among the worst in the European Union, underlines an international study published on Tuesday, according to which there are fewer and fewer good students in math.

    Fourth grade students score 485 points in mathematics and 488 in science.

    Well below the international average (529 and 526 respectively) and the European average (527 in maths, 522 in science), according to the TIMSS study published by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Success (IAE) .

  • First outbreak of avian flu in a farm in the Landes.

    A first French farm, producing ducks in the Landes, has been contaminated with avian flu since the return in November of this viral disease, announced the Ministry of Agriculture.

    "As a preventive measure", the slaughter of the 6,000 ducks on the farm, located in the commune of Bénesse-Maremne, was ordered as of December 6.

The unexpected info

Death of an aviation legend.

American Charlie “Chuck” Yeager, the first pilot to cross the sound barrier, has died at the age of 97, his wife Victoria announced.

A pilot during WWII, Yeager made history by breaking the sound barrier in 1947 aboard a Bell X-1 aircraft.

"It opened up space, Star Wars, the satellites," Chuck Yeager said in 2007 in an interview with AFP.

His exploits as a test pilot were immortalized in a Hollywood film titled “The Right Stuff”.

Fr @ VictoriaYeage11 It is w / profound sorrow, I must tell you that my life love General Chuck Yeager passed just before 9pm ET.

An incredible life well lived, America's greatest Pilot, & a legacy of strength, adventure, & patriotism will be remembered forever.

- Chuck Yeager (@GenChuckYeager) December 8, 2020