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Citizen's climate convention: Barbara Pompili unveils the first arbitrations

12/8/2020, 8:01:15 PM

The Minister of Ecology Barbara Pompili reveals to us exclusively the first arbitrations of the government after the proposals of the C

A slowdown in concreteization, the generalization of environmental labeling, the ban on certain journeys by plane… After two days of discussion with the 150 members of the Citizen's Convention on the climate, the Minister of Ecology Barbara Pompili reveals the government's first arbitrations.

She speaks of "titanic painstaking work" which will result in a bill presented on January 27 to the Council of Ministers.

The text will then be submitted to parliament in March before a final vote by next summer.

The minister evokes a law "of progress" which will "root ecology in French society".

Will the 146 measures proposed by the citizens' convention be taken up in full?


Only 40% of their proposals fall under the law.

The bill we will present in January already has 70 clauses.

But this law requires complex arbitrations because it is necessary, for each proposed measure, to look at how it is financed and how to give everyone the possibility of applying it without leaving anyone by the wayside.

Our goal is to ensure that ecology knocks on the door of the French.

But as you will see with the first arbitrations that we have rendered, these are extremely important projects which place France in the leading group of countries which are making the most progress in the fight against global warming.

I am proud of it because France is really at the forefront of this fight.

The moratorium on 5G has been ignored, the taxation of plane tickets has been postponed… Some citizens accuse you of having unraveled their proposals…

These are things we discussed with them and they were warned that there would be adjustments.

But the principle is really to translate their 146 proposals into concrete actions even if we do not necessarily repeat word for word what they said.

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Wasn't it awkward on the part of the President of the Republic to declare last week that the proposed measures were "neither the Bible, nor the Koran" ...

The president is very attached to the Citizen's Climate Convention.

He will go to the end of this unprecedented democratic experience because what he wants, like the citizens, is to change the lives of the French.

One of your priorities is to better insulate housing ...

Yes, because housing represents 25% of our greenhouse gas emissions.

We have adopted the principle of ending the rental of thermal strainers in 2028. Discussions are still ongoing on the obligation to renovate their homes for all owner-occupants.

On these measures, we need to support the most vulnerable so as not to leave anyone without a solution.

We also include in the law the division by two of the rhythm of the galloping artificialization of soils because the equivalent of a department like Vaucluse is concreted every twelve years.

This is why we want to ban the establishment of new shopping centers in natural areas with a possible exemption below 10,000 m2.

"We are going to experiment with the possibility of having a choice of daily vegetarian menus in school canteens", announces Barbara Pompili./LP/Frédéric Dugit  

What about transport, which represents 30% of our emissions?

It is also a source of air pollution for which France has been condemned and must react quickly.

We are going to create, as will be the case in eleven large agglomerations starting next year, low-emission zones where communities can regulate the circulation of the most polluting vehicles in 35 cities with more than 150,000 inhabitants.

We will also ban domestic flights if there is a possible alternative by train in less than 2:30.

It was one of the most iconic measures demanded by citizens even though they demanded a ban on air travel from 4 a.m. And we are certainly one of the first countries to implement it.

The citizens have also worked a lot on food ...

We are going to experiment with the possibility of having a choice of daily vegetarian menus in school canteens.

The law will also set a trajectory for reducing emissions linked to the use of nitrogen fertilizers by 2030. If farmers do not respect the planned pace, we will implement a tax from 2024 on nitrogen fertilizers.

How can we believe that these objectives will be respected?

Emmanuel Macron had promised a ban on glyphosate in 2020 but this was not done.

As for the ban on neonicotinoid pesticides, beet growers have just obtained an exemption ...

The ban on neonicotinoids was included in the law to apply from 2020 but we had poorly identified the difficulties concerning beets (less than 10% of uses).

That said, the ban will be effective in three years.

It is a setback but temporary.

On glyphosate, the President of the Republic himself said last week that a commitment had been made and that we have failed to keep it.

But despite everything, we will have reduced our consumption by 50% over the five-year period and I am working with the Ministry of Agriculture to find alternatives for the remaining uses as quickly as possible.

Will the ban on advertising polluting products be applied?

The idea of ​​the citizens of the Convention is to base themselves on a “CO2 score”

(Editor's note: like energy labels)

and then ban the advertising of the most poorly rated products.

However, the first environmental displays will arrive in 2022 because it takes time to analyze the CO2 emissions of each item sold.

On the advertising ban as such, we are debating the modalities.

But we have already enacted the ban on advertising on fossil fuels because they have a major impact on the climate, the end of advertising planes, the experimentation of “yes advertising” instead of “stop advertising” on mailboxes. letters.

With this system, one would only receive printed advertisements if one agreed.

Are you not worried that this law will be weakened in parliament?

I know that many representatives of various interests will try to minimize the significance of this or that point.

We will have to rise to the challenge: reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 to comply with the Paris Agreement.

I know we're gonna get there.

The economic crisis linked to Covid-19 will it not put the environment in the background?

On the contrary, it is the opportunity to profoundly transform our economy with the 30 billion green investments of the recovery plan.

Because if we do not tackle the environmental crisis deeply, the economic, social and ecological consequences will be much worse than the effects of the current health crisis.

Among the ongoing arbitrations, there are conflicts between ecology and economics and we do not have the impression that you systematically win your arbitrations ...

We'll see at the end.

Of course there is reluctance, that we are not moving forward on a carpet of roses and that this requires fights, but it is because it is a far-reaching law.

I am sure of one thing: companies that do not take this turn in ecological transition right now are doomed to disappear.

And that is why this law must be as demanding as possible.