The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: another 121 deaths are reported and Argentina already has more than 40 thousand deaths

12/8/2020, 11:42:34 PM

This was reported by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, in its usual daily report.12/08/2020 18:30 Clarí Society Updated 12/08/2020 18:37 Argentina broke a new barrier this Tuesday by exceeding 40 thousand deaths from coronavirus. This was specified by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, when reporting another 121 fatal victims and 3,610 new positive cases . The country is in eleventh place in the world in the number of deaths from COVID-19, with 40,009, but climbs to

12/08/2020 18:30

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 12/08/2020 18:37

Argentina broke a new barrier this Tuesday by

exceeding 40 thousand deaths

from coronavirus.

This was specified by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, when reporting

another 121 fatal victims and 3,610 new




The country is in eleventh place in the world in the number of deaths from COVID-19, with 40,009, but climbs to tenth in deaths per million inhabitants.

In terms of infections, it ranks ninth, with 1,469,919 positives to date.

In both cases, it is mostly outmatched by European countries, where the second wave hits hard.

The health portfolio indicated that there

are 3,715 hospitalized in intensive care units

, with a percentage of occupation of adult beds of 54.4% in the country and 58.2% in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom kicked off in the last hours the historic mass vaccination process, which will extend over several months.

The country, the worst hit in Europe by the outbreak with more than 61,400 confirmed deaths, decided to give priority to the elderly, their caregivers and health personnel at the start of this immunization campaign.

The start of the vaccination program comes less than a week after the UK became the first Western country to approve the use of a coronavirus vaccine, in this case the one

developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.

Russia began administering its vaccine, called

Sputnik V

, last weekend, and in China an experimental vaccine was supplied to a very small group of the population.

The United States and the European Union are still awaiting approval from their regulators.

In any case, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that vaccination will not eliminate the pandemic by itself.

"Vaccines do not mean zero coronavirus,"

remarked the agency's Emergency Director, Michael Ryan.

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