The Limited Times

Covid: cases in GB fall, but deaths jump to 616

12/8/2020, 5:40:30 PM

The decline in coronavirus infections in the United Kingdom continues, falling in the last 24 hours to 12,282 against about 15. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - LONDON, 08 DEC - The decline in coronavirus infections in the United Kingdom continues, falling in the last 24 hours to 12,282 compared to about 15,000 yesterday according to today's data released by the Ministry of Health, and the slowdown in the increase in hospitalizations continues in the hospitals of the country, where the vaccination campaign with the Pfizer / BioNTech prototype started this morning.

But the death toll rises again, with 616 deaths more than the less than 300 recorded yesterday.

Moreover, the usual delayed collection of part of the statistics during the weekend weighs on this last figure, which lightens the numbers released on Sunday and Monday and weighs them down on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    In total, the victims certified in the Kingdom since the beginning of the pandemic, calculating the people who died within 28 days of the first Covid diagnosis, thus rise to 62,033: an absolute European record, but lower than Belgium, Italy or Spain in relation to the population.