The Limited Times

Don't just throw away old potatoes: The tubers are a great cleaning agent

12/8/2020, 6:48:59 PM

Potatoes shrivel up quickly or they sprout and then end up in the trash. They can still be used in many ways in the household.

Potatoes shrivel up quickly or they sprout and then end up in the trash.

They can still be used in many ways in the household.

  • Potatoes

    are often forgotten in the cellar or in the pantry.

  • If the germs are already too big, the

    tubers are

    no longer edible.

  • Consumers can use a





    potatoes into

    cleaning agents

    - for example against



Offenbach - For many,

potatoes are

one of those foods that always have to be in stock.

This is certainly also due to the fact that the small


can be prepared in many ways: whether in a gratin, as a salad, seared or simply cooked as a side dish.

However, since dark places are best for storing potatoes, they are often forgotten in the basement or in the far corner of the pantry.

Then it can happen that the


shrivel up or begin to germinate.

If the germs are already very pronounced, i.e. over half a centimeter in size, the potatoes are usually no longer edible and end up in the garbage.

Instead of throwing them away, however, you can make clever use of them.

Potatoes as a cleaning agent: Removal of stubborn rust and water stains


are great as a

cleaning agent


They contain a lot of vitamin C and starch: Both substances, in combination with water, are able to bind fats.

The oxalic acid contained in potatoes, which is also contained in cleaning products for bleaching or for removing rust stains, makes the tuber the perfect ecological

cleaning aid


Potatoes as a cleaning agent


Rust and rust stains

Raw, halved potato and baking powder

Water stains in saucepans

Raw halved potato

Plastic garden furniture

Raw potatoes cut in half or salty potato water

Stains on clothes

Potato water

Substitute for fabric softener

Juice of four potatoes

As the Schweizer Illustrierte reports,

to remove

rust stains

, you simply have to cut a

potato in

half and put some baking powder on the smooth surface.

Then rub over rusty areas and finally remove the baking powder residues with a damp cloth.


tuber is also ideal

for removing unsightly

water stains

on stainless steel pots and fittings and can thus replace chemical cleaning agents.

Potato cleaning products: freshening up plastic garden furniture


can also help make old


garden furniture shine


To do this, according to the “Bunte” magazine, you simply have to


the inside of the old

potatoes into

the relevant areas

and then rinse with clear water.

The same applies to kitchen surfaces, windows and mirrors.

With the


peels you can achieve a shiny and streak-free result - without any expensive special products.

Polish with a dry cloth after use.


Instead of throwing away sprouting potatoes, they are wonderful cleaning agents.

© Andrea Warnecke / dpa



- such as garden furniture - refresh, it is another tip.

Cook the


in salted water for a while.

You can then fill the cooled water into a spray bottle and use it to easily clean plastic surfaces.

According to the Schweizer Illustrierte, the

potato water

is also


as a

stain remover


Potatoes as a cleaning agent: miracle cure for washing clothes


do this, cook the


in water for a few minutes - but this time without adding salt.

If you soak the stained clothes in the potato water for a few hours before washing, the stubborn dirt will be much easier to loosen during the wash cycle.

In addition to the potato water also the juice of about three to four may


optimize your laundry.

If you add the juice to your laundry with some water about halfway through the washing time, your clothes will be particularly soft.

The environmentally friendly juice from


can therefore replace chemical fabric softeners.

Potatoes as a cleaning agent in the fight against lime: you have to pay attention to this

In order not to pollute the environment unnecessarily, according to the Bunte, conventional

cleaning agents

against limescale can be dispensed with with the

help of potatoes


All you have to do is put a couple of raw

potato pieces

with plenty of hot water in the affected device, such as the kettle or a thermos, and let them work overnight.

The next day, rinse properly with water and the devices are almost like new again.

(Teresa Toth)

List of rubric lists: © Uwe Anspach / dpa

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