The Limited Times

Gender: reconfinement awakened the libido of teleworkers

12/8/2020, 5:59:18 PM

In a study that we unveil on the sexual and emotional life of the French during the second confinement, Ifop notes a libido that is

Return to near-normal under the duvet.

This is the finding of a study that Ifop reveals to us this Tuesday on "The sexual and emotional life of the French during the second confinement" * carried out for the extramarital dating site, Gleeden.

The rate of French people having two to three sexual intercourse per week, for example, has thus fallen from 18% before the first confinement to 11 in the heart of it to reach 14% today.

But a second confinement better experienced than the first by the couples, demonstrated by the multiplicity of somersaults, is this the sign of a renewed well-being?

Not sure.

Particularly among this population which has multiplied during the health crisis: telecommuting employees.

Confined employees who are distinguished by a practice: the villainous nap during office hours.

34% of them happily put in brackets the report to be made "asap" or the videoconference to be programmed for a game of legs in the air.

What to cool the bosses on the investment of their employees in teleworking?

That they are already sweeping in front of their door since they are the first to take advantage of this naughty break when they are on the sidelines (38% for company directors against 30% for employees).


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“We were absolutely stunned when the first confinement was announced.

We had to reorganize our daily life in disaster, transforming into a teacher for our two children aged 7 and 10, not to mention the concern for loved ones.

It was not the ideal situation for the trifle.

I must even admit that it was dreary plain, ”laughs Gaëlle, 37, community manager in Paris (14th century) currently working from home.

"I especially need to be cuddled"

And for this second confinement?

Was the improvised happy hour on the program?

“It happened because my wife is also teleworking (

Editor's note: recruitment consultant

), but not that much, she concedes.

I especially need to be cuddled.

And then, I also think that we are a little fed up with seeing our respective faces all day long, ”quips the thirty-something.

And it is a fact, according to Ifop, we lack tenderness more than sex (47% against 35%).

The percentages are also more salient among people working from home where more than half experience this lack of cajoling.

“There is also an effect linked to seasonality.

It's cold, we need more human warmth and then in a situation that remains stressful, sex allows you to decompress, analyzes François Kraus, director of the Politics / News pole at Ifop.

However, teleworkers are those who are most affected by a drop in libido and a drop in morale, ”tempers the manager.

Pranks in the morning instead of a reconciliation in the evening

Main reasons for a low libido during the first confinement: the stress caused by an unprecedented situation and 12 million children in homes, confined 24 hours a day with their parents.

The second, less restrictive, has thus led to fewer arguments, since the subject No. 1 source of tension according to the survey is… at school.

No offspring in the paws, the path seems free for the villainous nap during (TV) work hours.

Since the re-containment imposed on October 30, nearly a third of those polled say they have "a stronger desire to make love with (her) spouse than usual".

But especially among non-cohabiting couples (39%) and more among men (36% against 22% for women).

Same growing appetite for the practice of erotic games which titillates 29% of the panel.

Here again especially for couples who do not live in the same home (37%) and among these gentlemen who, on this point, are not on the same wavelength as these ladies (40% against 17%!).

What about the workers?

"In my couple, sexual relations are not more numerous, but were sometimes shifted during the day, explains Antoine, territorial official in Val-de-Marne, partially at home with Madame.

Instead of getting closer in the evening, we allow ourselves a few pranks in the late morning or afternoon, before our three children return to school.

"" When things are going badly around us, we value the achievements.

Either the family unit and… conjugal, adds François Kraus.

However, those who benefit most from this villainous nap are the young couples who have no children.


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the survey was conducted on November 24 to 30, 2020, with a sample of 2017 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.