The Limited Times

On foot on the motorway: police officers seriously injured in accident - circumstances so far unclear

12/8/2020, 10:07:00 PM

A6 accident with serious consequences: Two Bavarian police officers suffered serious injuries when they were hit by a car.

A6 accident with serious consequences: Two Bavarian police officers suffered serious injuries when they were hit by a car.

Amberg - Two

police officers

were hit

by a car

during an


on the


and were seriously injured.

On Tuesday afternoon (December 8),

a first accident occurred

near the



, as a police spokesman said on Tuesday evening.

The officers had


to the

scene of the accident

and were walking there. In the early evening, the

secondary accident


in the direction of Nuremberg

. The two men were hit by a car. The details are currently unclear, the spokesman said.

(lks / dpa)

Previously, a car drove into a group of people on Tuesday afternoon in Treuchtlingen, Franconia. The background to the accident is still open.