The Limited Times

The government appeals against Abruzzo. Switzerland stops trains with Italy

12/8/2020, 11:42:46 PM

MIT: 'We will hear the Swiss minister'. Upi: 'Giving the ok to travel between municipalities in the same province' (ANSA)

New proposals to circulate freely between municipalities within the provinces on holiday days, protests by the mayors of the orange cities in Puglia, reopening of schools in Lower Molise. And then the anticipation of Christmas shopping in Abruzzo despite the government's provisions that will now bring the rebel Region before the judge. Against the December anti-Covid squeeze initiatives and discontent from the territories continue. And Switzerland has been cutting off rail connections with Italy since Thursday due to the new measures of the Dpcm and the drastic drop in passengers. The announcement mobilized the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, who in the next few hours will hear from her Swiss counterpart "for a shared solution so that at least the minimum essential services between the two countries are guaranteed". Not just transport and commerce. The Union of Provinces is now also asking for "a correction to the latest provisions on Christmas", suggesting "to allow travel between municipalities in the same province on public holidays". An exhortation that at the moment is not accepted, but without being completely excluded in the case of a drastic drop in infections. In that case, it would not be a question of renouncing the Dpcm, but of a modification linked to possible amendments to the decree law of last December 2, which would in any case pass under the vote of Parliament.