The Limited Times

VIDEO. "I'm the guy who steals Christmas": the poignant speech of a Canadian ruler

12/8/2020, 6:33:43 PM

As the number of positive Covid-19 cases has steadily increased since the Thanksgiving holiday, the Premier of Manitoba, a p

In a speech broadcast on Canadian television on Friday, December 4, the Premier of Manitoba, a province of Canada, called on his fellow citizens to “isolate themselves” for the holiday season.

“I'm the guy who asks you to stay away this Christmas and the holidays,” said Brian Pallister with a tight throat.

In Canada, the number of Covid-19 infections has jumped since the Thanksgiving holidays.

“Thanksgiving” was celebrated on October 12 despite the worrying health context.

Barely fifteen days later, the number of contamination rose from 180,000 to 220,000 cases.

Today, two months after the traditional festivals, Canada has 423,000 positive cases.



Covid-19: Margaret, 90, first vaccinated in the United Kingdom

It was with a throat tied and his eyes cloudy that the Premier of Manitoba urged his fellow citizens to "do what is right", not hesitating to take on the wrong role by calling himself a "man who steals." Christmas ".

Despite the emotion, Brian Pallister punctuated his speech with a note of hope, saying that "we will have a lot to celebrate" next year.

In the neighboring province of Quebec, his counterpart François Legault banned gatherings in red zones during the holiday season.

"It is not realistic to think that we will succeed in reducing the progression of the virus satisfactorily by Christmas" he confided to the Quebec press.

A declaration which then canceled its previous decision allowing Quebecers to come together for Christmas.

In Canada, it is not the federal state that has jurisdiction over health matters, but the provinces.

It is therefore up to the Prime Ministers of the latter to make a choice on the sanitary restriction measures during the end of year celebrations.