The Limited Times

"I want them to rot in jail": Vanessa Guillén's mother demands the truth

12/9/2020, 4:34:20 AM

At a press conference this Tuesday afternoon, Gloria Guillén demanded to know the names of those responsible for her daughter's murder, as well as to investigate the Army's chain of command. "I want jail and the truth to be discovered."

Faced with the firing and suspension of 14 Fort Hood officers after the murder of Latina soldier Vanessa Guillén, her family demanded that those responsible be named and punished with jail.

In an emotional press conference, the soldier's mother, Gloria Guillén, said that the independent investigation that led to the suspension of the officers is a step in the right direction, but

those responsible

for her murder have

yet to be named and punished.


“They don't convince me that they were lowered, that they were removed.

I am not satisfied.

I want them to rot in jail! ”Gloria Guillén said of the suspension of Fort Hood officers.

"Get to the truth and hand me over to those who are truly responsible." 

Mother and sisters of Vanessa Guillén, a soldier killed at Fort Hood.

Telemundo News

The mother of the murdered soldier insisted that her daughter, before dying,

confessed to her that she was sexually harassed by a general


He also claimed that Vanessa told him about the suicide cases inside Fort Hood, as a result of the harassment and sexual harassment that the soldiers live there.

[Fort Hood admits soldiers mistrust their leaders to report sexual abuse]

Since April 22, when Guillén was reported missing, the family pressured the Army to find her alive.

Likewise, since then they have insisted that the young woman was a victim of sexual harassment, although independent investigations have rejected that such harassment took place.

The charred and dismembered remains of the young woman were found in June near a river in the Fort Hood area.

The family hopes that the negligence to find the soldier will be investigated for 69 days, and that the soldiers who lied in their statements, in which they claimed to have seen Guillén when she had already disappeared, will be fired.

Thank goodness 14 of those Fort Hood leaders were discharged.

They ignored us every time, they disrespected us so much


I'm sorry to say it, but they deserve it, ”said Lupe Guillén, sister of the Latina soldier.

The chain of command involved in the murder of the young soldier still needs to be investigated, he added, as well as the names of those responsible.

We entered Fort Hood to see what changed after the death of Vanessa Guillén

Dec. 7, 202003: 59

The Guillén family will insist on the approval of the

'I am Vanessa Guillén' legislation

, which would codify sexual harassment as a crime within the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and create a confidential system within the Army to report sexual harassment.

Lupe Guillén, the soldier's sister,

said that Fort Hood reports a high number of suicides

due to harassment, sexual harassment, mental health problems and toxic leadership within the Army.

If the legislation is approved, thousands of soldiers will be protected against attitudes similar to those suffered by Vanessa Guillén, the family said.

"I pray that the 'I am Vanessa Guillén' legislation be passed, and that Fort Hood be investigated, and that my sister's death is not in vain," said Lupe Guillén.

The family of the murdered Latina soldier promotes the "I am Vanessa Guillén" legislation to address reports of sexual harassment in the Army.

Vanessa's sisters assured that she would be proud to know that her family is fighting to learn the truth and protect other women victims of sexual harassment within the Army.

"Vanessa, wherever you are, you are alive and here with us.

Your legacy will continue, hopefully with this legislation that we are trying to get approved,"

said Lupe Guillén.

"I believe you".

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