The Limited Times

CNN Entered Hospital In Iran Facing Worst Middle East Coronavirus Outbreak | Video | CNN

12/10/2020, 1:54:16 PM

Fighting the coronavirus in Iran has been difficult for the country's doctors and the situation is getting worse. Even within the capital, Tehran, the | World | CNN

Fighting the coronavirus in Iran has been difficult for the country's doctors and the situation is getting worse. Even inside the capital, Tehran, doctors have had to settle for limited resources and equipment left available under renewed US sanctions and President Donald Trump's maximum pressure campaign. This Islamic republic has registered more than a million cases of covid-19 and is experiencing the worst outbreak in the Middle East. More than 50,000 people died from the virus in Iran, 10,000 of whom died in November alone. Nick Paton Walsh reports from a hospital in Tehran that he has been fighting the increase in infections and that he already counts more than 750 people dead due to the coronavirus.

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