The Limited Times

One and a half million cases of corona were recorded in Turkey

12/10/2020, 2:18:34 AM

Ankara-SANA The Minister of Health of the Turkish Regime Fakhruddin Kujah announced today that the new cases of the Coronavirus


The Minister of Health of the Turkish Regime Fakhruddin Kuja announced today that the new cases of Coronavirus in Turkey have exceeded one and a half million since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Reuters quoted Koca as saying during a press conference after meeting with members of the Scientific Council on Corona ... that 13,712 new cases of the virus were recorded, bringing the total number of infections recorded in the country to more than one and a half million cases.

He added that 217 new deaths were recorded during the past 24 hours, which brings the total deaths to 15531.

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