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Lovely, you too can light Hanukkah candles with Moshe Peretz and Rami Kleinstein! - Walla! Celebs

12/10/2020, 10:08:09 PM

This year you will not visit the family and you will not be able to taste donuts with the guys during the days of Hanukkah? Do not worry, someone made sure that you can light candles festively every evening even without leaving the house - in the presence of lovable stars like the singer Rotem Cohen, Agam Bohbot and Asi Israeloff. Walla! Celebs Lighter

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Lovely, you too can light Hanukkah candles with Moshe Peretz and Rami Kleinstein!

This year you will not visit the family and you will not be able to taste donuts with the guys during the days of Hanukkah?

Do not worry, someone made sure that you can light candles festively every evening even without leaving the house - in the presence of lovable stars like the singer Rotem Cohen, Agam Bohbot and Asi Israeloff.


Celebs Lighter


  • Moshe Peretz

  • Rami Kleinstein

  • Lake Bohbot

  • Yael Goldman

  • Rotem Cohen

  • Asi Israeloff



Thursday, 10 December 2020, 11:46

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Rafi Daloia

There are those who avoid the holiday of Hanukkah because of its oiliness, but most of the children of Israel?

Lovers of ceremonies light for no less than eight days fire and spinning tops, so that every month in Kislev they gather with family, friends and acquaintances, to light the candles in the menorah.

If you thought that this year the corona virus would make you eat the pancakes alone, at home, in the dark, then you thought that some of the most famous people in Israel are planning something completely different for you.

Yes, yes, they intend to light you up, that is, with you.

Gossip about the cool stars on Instagram

Turn on.

Bohbot Lake, Moshe Peretz and his wife (Photo: Nir Pekin)

Will illuminate the holiday.

Asi Israeloff (Photo: Nir Pekin)


Celebs learned that in recent days, Tara has commissioned an "Israel Candle Lighting Ceremony" - a ceremony that will take place every evening (except the weekend) at another medical center in the country and will probably be broadcast on all websites, radio stations and TV channels just before 20:00, in order to Thank the medical staff and make you happy there at home.

The climax?

Whoever lights the fire every night, is likely to be a famous artist.

More on Walla!


Taylor Malchov reveals: The romantic miracle that happened to her this year

To the full article

Who can you expect with the thin candles?



with his foster daughter,

Agam Bohbot

, for an evening of a song with

Rotem Cohen


Rami Kleinstein


Assi Israeloff

who will probably open with a cool greeting, the married couple

Uri Pepper


Yael Goldman

and other greasy celebrities, who will try to warm the isolated holiday while giving respect to the angels In white ", medical teams throughout Israel.


Celebs turn on when she sees powdered sugar.

In a hymn song.

Rotem Cohen (Photo: Kobi Eliyahu)


Yael Goldman and Uri Pepper (Photo: Rafi Daloia)

Fire on you.

Rami Kleinstein (Photo: Assaf Lev)

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