The Limited Times

The moment in which the highest authority in health of Los Angeles could not more and began to cry | Video | CNN

12/10/2020, 1:54:10 PM

The United States has been reporting over 100,000 hospital admissions for covid-19 for more than five consecutive days. And in California they are fighting all | United States | CNN

The United States has been reporting over 100,000 hospital admissions for covid-19 for more than five consecutive days. And in California all records are being broken. The state had the most cases, hospitalizations and admissions to intensive care units to date. The situation is alarming, since there are only just over 1,500 beds in intensive cities, but there are already hospitals that have run out of space. Projections indicate that big cities like San Francisco will run out of beds in 17 days. Dr. Barbara Ferrer, director of the Los Angeles County Health Department, began to cry during a press conference announcing this health crisis.

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