The Limited Times

This is how lucrative are children for retirement - enough compensation for parents?

12/10/2020, 11:46:31 PM

Times of child-rearing affect the later pension. But how high is the compensation for the fact that parents often work less in the first few years?

Times of child-rearing affect the later pension.

But how high is the compensation for the fact that parents often work less in the first few years?

Anyone who brings up children receives

compulsory contributions

to the

statutory pension insurance *


This is intended to compensate for the fact that mothers and fathers often work less in the first few years.

What exactly does the


look like


Raising children ensures more pensions for parents

Parents get

up to three years of contribution periods in the statutory pension insurance per child

for the

upbringing of their children

, explains the German Pension Insurance Association in Berlin according to a report by the German Press Agency (dpa).

In addition,

the time up to the age of ten of a child is included

in the

calculation of the later pension


Read here

: So much child benefit will be available from January - parents should pay attention to that now

Later retirement: This is how child-rearing periods are taken into account



times have a positive effect on

pension entitlement

, as the report goes on to say.

Parents could also close gaps in their insurance biography


child-rearing periods


In addition, a simultaneous

employment subject to compulsory insurance is

rated better in the context of the pension calculation.


crediting is

worthwhile, as the report goes on to say: the

entitlement from an employment subject to compulsory insurance

can therefore be


by up to 50 percent

in the case of

low earnings

, for example due to

part-time work

, due to

simultaneous child

allowance periods.

“The salary is topped up to a maximum of the average salary.

The average wage in 2020 is around 40,551 euros.

This revaluation is for times from 1992, ”writes dpa.

This would



persons who had at least 25 insurance years at the beginning of their pension.

In addition, the child must have reached the age of three.

(ahu) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

Sources: dpa, German pension insurance

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