The Limited Times

Italy records 16,999 new cases of Coronavirus

12/11/2020, 9:14:59 AM

Rome-SANA Today, the Italian Ministry of Health announced the registration of 16,999 new cases of the emerging coronavirus, bringing the total


Today, the Italian Ministry of Health announced the registration of 16,999 new infections with the emerging coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections recorded in the country to one million 787,147.

According to the ministry's data, 887 new deaths were recorded, bringing the number of deaths to 62,626.

In this context, an Italian virologist warned of a third wave of Corona virus.

A professor of microbiology at the University of Tor Vergata in the capital, Rome, and the former executive director of the European Medicines Agency, Guido Razi, said in televised statements that the caution of a third wave of the Corona virus must remain and fear that this wave will arrive after Christmas and New Year.

He expressed his hope to preserve the responsible behaviors that were adopted four months ago, otherwise there will be no time to undertake structural interventions because the vaccine requires time to be effective.

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