The Limited Times

"Private theaters, concert halls, cinemas and artists are in danger of death"

12/12/2020, 4:05:23 PM

TRIBUNE - All the arts which help to soften the lives of the French and allow them to forget their worries for a while are now in danger, alarms musicologist and poet Alain Duault.

On November 24, the President of the Republic underlined how much

"culture is essential to our life as free citizens"


Beautiful and strong words of comfort after weeks of closure of places where this culture is shared, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, opera houses.

Barely more than two weeks later, this hope of a reopening is showered and postponed until January calends.

Culture, again, is no longer



Such a waste!

How can we imagine restoring confidence between the State and the actors of this culture considered again as a variable of adjustment of a drifting health policy?

Read also:

Covid-19: the cultural blues

How to explain this inconsistency which means that we have found a solution (even if it is unsatisfactory at Christmas time) to allow access to places of worship, while we are locking the places of another cult, that of beauty? , so essential in this ugly world?

Mass, yes (and it is happy);

cinema, music,

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