The Limited Times

Anti-terrorism crackdown within the ultra-left

12/12/2020, 4:35:25 PM

Seven suspects were presented to a judge. The police seized elements which could enter into the composition of an explosive device.

Far left terrorists wanted to attack the police!

They attack the uniform of the Republic which is the last obstacle to their dictatorship and their thirst for chaos.

"The tweet of the deputy LR of the Alpes-Maritimes, Éric Ciotti, was not long after the announcement of the presentation to an anti-terrorism investigating judge of seven suspects considered to be members of the ultra-left, this Friday, in Paris , with a view to an indictment for "terrorist criminal association".

If the first results of the investigations are "interesting", in the words of a specialized magistrate, with regard to the searches carried out within the framework of this file, the justice is much more cautious concerning the potential objectives of the dismantled small group.

At the final stage of the investigation, there is no evidence to conclude that an imminent project targeting the police is being prepared.

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The investigation was entrusted to the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI).

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