The Limited Times

Latinos and blacks in the US feel more hope since elections

12/12/2020, 9:26:20 PM

Some Latinos and Blacks in the U.S. breathe easier since the presidential election, according to a new Pew Center study.

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(CNN) ––

Some blacks and Latinos in the US breathe more relief since the presidential election, according to a new study.

As COVID-19 cases spiked and racial unrest unleashed in the summer, more than half of black and Latino adults felt angry about the state of the country.

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Now, a new report from the Pew Research Center found that more people are feeling hopeful and less angry after the election.

The number of black adults who said they were angry dropped to 41% in the weeks after November 3, up from 72% in June.

This was indicated by the poll that was published earlier this week.

Latinos had a similar trend.

Last month, about 44% of Latino adults said they were angry about the current state of the nation, compared to 67% in June.

The survey included 11,818 respondents identified as white, black, Latino and Asian, according to the Pew Center.

Its margin of error was 1.6%, indicated the institution.

Among all respondents, blacks and Latinos saw a greater increase in their optimism about the state of the country than other groups.


Overall, 64% of Latino and Black respondents said they were hopeful.

Optimism among white respondents rose to just 50% after the election, up from 45% in June, the poll found.

The sample of Asian Americans was not large enough in June to make a comparison, the survey authors explained.

There were already racial and economic gaps affecting Blacks and Latinos before the coronavirus pandemic.

However, those differences widened this year.

Blacks and Latinos are hospitalized and die at a higher rate than other groups.

Additionally, these populations face much higher unemployment rates than white workers.

And similar disparities emerged in housing.

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Before the elections, black voters told CNN they were concerned about racial injustice and police brutality.

Also that they felt slighted by a president who has been hesitant to condemn white supremacism.

They also feared they would lose health benefits if the Supreme Court overturns the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Keith Green, a 65-year-old man who voted in Overland Park, Kansas, told CNN in October that the Trump administration left him concerned about the future of his daughter and two grandchildren.

"The last four years have been so bad," he said at the time.

"We can't take four more years of that."

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Clarissa Martínez-de-Castro, deputy vice president of UnidosUS, said that black and brown communities are among the most demonized by the Trump administration.

UnidosUS is an advocacy group for Latinos.

Before being elected, President Donald Trump called Mexican immigrants criminals and "rapists."

His government has taken steps to end humanitarian protections for 300,000 immigrants from Sudan, Nicaragua, Haiti and El Salvador.

As well as against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA, for its acronym in English).

This program protects undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children from deportation.

"In recent years, people have felt defamed, attacked, or their concerns dismissed," Martínez-de-Castro said.

On election night, Martínez-de-Castro added, many people felt they "could take a breath after holding their breath for a long time."

Elections 2020 United StatesLatinos in the U.S.Blacks in the United States