The Limited Times

Tübingen mayor Palmer sharply criticizes the hard lockdown - and proposes a completely new approach

12/12/2020, 6:36:26 PM

Boris Palmer has spoken out in public again. This time with a very special Tübingen concept against the corona virus. At first, users react indignantly to Twitter.

Boris Palmer has spoken out in public again.

This time with a very special Tübingen concept against the corona virus.

At first, users react indignantly to Twitter.

  • Boris Palmer regularly attracts public attention with his statements.

  • Since the beginning of the corona crisis, he has repeatedly criticized the federal government's corona strategies.

  • Now he presented his Tübingen concept against Corona at “Maybrit Illner” - and provoked again.

Tübingen - "Remstal rebel" - that was the nickname

Helmut Palmer

, the father of the mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer.

And the apple, as Helmut Palmer would also know, after all, he was a fruit grower during his lifetime, does not fall far from the tree here either.

Boris Palmer

is at least as rebellious as his father, and that must mean something, after all, he ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for mayor 289 times.

Even at the beginning of the refugee crisis, the mayor of Tübingen repeatedly interfered with the public with extremely controversial actions.

For example, after a wave of rape in his city, he demanded that

all male residents of a refugee shelter be

forced to carry out DNA tests


Boris Palmer: shock statements during the corona crisis

The 48-year-old still



stand out,

especially in

times of crisis


So he


in the spring with his

interview statement on the corona strategies of

the federal government: "I'll tell you very brutally: We may save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway, due to their age and previous illnesses. “The apology came belatedly and after much



However, it was not the only comment on the corona measures * by the federal and state governments.

For example, Palmer spoke out in favor of the controversial Sweden model, which relies on

voluntariness and isolation from risk groups

such as the elderly and people with previous illnesses.

Coronavirus: Palmer presents the Tübingen concept

Now the mayor of Tübingen, who has been in office since 2007, has



own corona concept

on the talk show

"Maybrit Illner"

- after sharp criticism of the

federal government's contact restrictions

, which he believes could have been avoided.

In addition to the free initial equipment with FFP2 masks, his model, like the Swedish one, relies on the

isolation of the older population


Seniors should go shopping separately from younger people - within a special time window.

Local public transport should also be largely


, older people could switch to shared taxis or bicycles.

It already works in Tübingen.

In an interview with


, Palmer said: “We haven't had any more cases at all among those over 75 years old.

That is why our university clinic has very few corona patients. "

Twitter reaction: outrage after Palmer appearance



, however, the users expressed themselves extremely


Many accuse Palmer that his concept stems from a

profile neurosis

or his desire for attention


than the will to protect older people.

Occasionally, however, the Tübingen concept is also defended.

In Tübingen you can get the shared taxi for the same tariff as the bus:

- Tina K. (@Auriamabelle) November 7, 2020


pure numbers

seem to prove the Tübingen concept right now.

The seven-day incidence of the entire district is 131

below the Baden-Württemberg state average


Incidentally, the regional seniors' council is very critical of the concept.

The ZDF quotes the chairman Uwe Bähr with the words "This is the wrong way."

(Leb / AFP / dpa) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital network.

List of rubric lists: © pa / dpa / Tom Weller

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