The Limited Times

The judge will analyze the family situation of Amado Boudou before deciding whether to return to jail

12/12/2020, 7:02:44 PM

Judge Daniel Obligado requested a report to define whether to revoke or maintain the former vice president's house arrest. He would also consult the Anticorruption Office and the FIU.

12/11/2020 18:46

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 12/11/2020 18:53


Daniel Obligado

gave this Friday a period of 24 hours to the Assistance Unit for minors under 16 years of the General Defender's Office to report on the family situation of former vice president Amado Boudou before deciding

whether to send him to jail again or keeps him in house arrest

after the Supreme Court of Justice signed the ruling that sentenced him to 5 years and 10 months in prison for the Ciccone case.

The family composition of the former Minister of Economy was one of the elements that the Obligado judge took into consideration when he granted him the benefit of home detention in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic: Boudou has two twin children, two years old, and his wife - Mexican citizen - was alone in the care of both, and for the defense of the former official that situation did not change.

“In view of the fact that the sentence relapsed in these acts became final on December 3 and for the purpose of issuing a new pronouncement on the conditions of detention in accordance with the provisions of law number 24,660 and its amendments, go through the 24-hour term to the defense of the accused Amado Boudou, as well as to the public defender who coordinates the functional unit for the assistance of minors under 16 years of age, so that it is issued for the purposes it deems appropriate, "the judge said in his resolution.

"Once the established deadline is over, a decision will be made regarding a timely transfer to the accusing parties," concluded the magistrate in the resolution with which he announced that he would also request the opinion of the Anti-Corruption Office (OA), now in charge of

Felix Crous

, and the Financial Information Unit (UIF), headed by

Carlos Cruz.

After the Court's ruling, in this case there was already an opinion signed by prosecutors Marcelo Colombo and Guillermina García Padín, who stated that Boudou should return to jail until he served his sentence.

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