The Limited Times

Legal abortion: the Government and the delegates of Cristina Kirchner align the official strategy in the Senate

12/12/2020, 9:08:05 PM

The leaders closest to the vice president, Anabel Fernández Sagasti and Oscar Parrilli, held meetings with Vilma Ibarra and Santiago Cafiero. They expect a closed vote.

Guido Carelli Lynch

12/11/2020 18:03

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 12/11/2020 18:09

After the half-sanction in deputies to

the legalization project

that the President sent to Congress, the Government put the first one to

turn it into law before the end of the year


To do so, he needs to count yes or yes with the offices of Vice President

Cristina Kircher

, who on Thursday began to unfreeze her relationship with the head of state in a joint act at the Ex-ESMA.

This Friday, at Casa Rosada, Senator for Mendoza

Anabel Fernández Sagasti

- right hand of the vice president - held

two high-level meetings


For an hour and a half, he spoke with the Legal and Technical Secretary

Vilma Ibarra

, author of the

Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy

(IVE) project and one of the President's most trusted leader, who is always indicated by Christianity.

Then, he had a second meeting with

Santiago Cafiero


The leader of La Cámpora and general secretary of the PJ in Mendoza is the main political operator of the former president in the Upper House.

It coincides with

the discursive line of the Executive

that seeks not to burn bridges with the senators who are against the initiative.

"We must not make enemies of those who think differently," said the legislator a month ago.

In the environment of the former president they recognize that

Fernández Sagasti

is together with his peer for Chubut,

Nancy González

, who will be in charge of seeking

the votes and consensus necessary

to sanction the IVE.

Fernández Sagasti and Alberto Fernández in the campaign.

Photo: Marcelo Rolland / Los Andes

Before casting her vote in 2018,

Cristina Kirchner

sympathized with González, who had been fired by militants against legalization.

"Wow, first of all, my solidarity with all the legislators who have suffered grievances, insults, disqualifications and, perhaps, for example, as in the case of the vice president of our bloc, Nancy González, in the city of Puerto Madryn when the front of her business was painted treating her as a murderer. This is never free, to oppose or work against the status quo, "the former president said then. 

In the Casa Rosada and in the Senate they know that

the vote will be very close


There are key provinces like Córdoba, where opposition to legalization is fierce.

Even the head of the pro-government bloc, José Mayans, is working so that the pro-government project is once again shipwrecked in the Upper House as in 2018.

Fernández Sagasti

was not alone

in Balcarce 50. She was accompanied during her meeting with Ibarra by the senator from Tierra del Fuego

Matías Rodríguez

, founder of La Cámpora in his province.

He was also heading

Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta

, Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity.


Clarín announced

, the former president and head of the Senate surprisingly resolved the debate to start first and as of Monday in the Women's Banking Commission, chaired by two senators in favor of legalization, the ruling Pampas Norma Durango and Guadalupe Tagliaferri, from the PRO.

The exhibitors would circulate until Wednesday and on Thursday they would seek to give an opinion to finally vote on the project on December 29.

The idea of ​​advancing the vote to the 22nd would have lost weight.

In the surroundings of Ibarra and Cafiero they maintained a total secrecy about the strategy discussed.

The votes are not superfluous


Fernández Sagasti had to wait a few minutes for another man of Cristina Kirchner's highest confidence to leave the office of the Chief of Staff:

Oscar Parrilli


The visit of the former Secretary General of the Presidency was not accidental.

The senator, in favor of legalization, chairs the

Senate Justice and Criminal Affairs committee

, the second of the three instances where the bill approved by the Deputies will be discussed.

The third is Health, which is chaired by the radical - contrary to the IVE -

Mario Fiad


Earlier, Cafiero in a dialogue with La Red,

rejected the possibility of advancing in a political trial

against the members of the Supreme Court, after the public letter from the vice president criticizing all members of the highest court.

Cafiero, like Parrilli, had rushed to defend Amado Boudou publicly, a detail that, according to sources close to the president, bothered Fernández.

Alberto and Cristina, at the former ESMA.

The last act together had been three months ago.

Parrilli's excursions to the Casa Rosada became common.

It became the vice president's usual link with the Government during the almost three months without dialogue between the Fernándezes, which culminated on Thursday in the celebration of International Human Rights Day at the former ESMA.

A sector of the ruling party has doubts about the intensity with which

Cristina Kirchner

- who was seen with

a rosary

in two sessions in recent months - would play in the debate. In the environment of the vice president they demanded that the Government do its job and in the Lower House they stressed that only the Interior Minister

Eduardo “Wado” of Pedro

helped them with the vote counting, the traditional “poroteo”. At least for a little while the planets seem to have lined up on Everyone's Front.