The Limited Times

PSG-OL: "Neymar is an artist, I want him to keep his freedom", assures Tuchel

12/13/2020, 3:42:32 PM

The Parisian coach explained, before the match against OL on Sunday, why the Brazilian star was not among the five players c

He no longer has a scowl.

Thomas Tuchel is very satisfied with the current face of his team and makes it known.

The German coach, who was at a press conference this Saturday at the beginning of the afternoon, is satisfied to follow up with a meeting against Lyon in Ligue 1 on Sunday, even if his opponents have benefited from the whole week to prepare while the PSG offered the first place of its group in the Champions League.

Did the group's first place in the Champions League acquired on Wednesday free you?


I really hope so, because the guys deserved to feel free.

It was a complicated situation, we only had three points after three matches in the Champions League.

It was really difficult to come out on top, the players did it, it is deserved.

We gave a day of rest to deal with emotions and think about the work everyone had done to overcome this obstacle.

We are in a good state of mind, a good time.

It is important to continue.

Is the duel with Lyon the closest match to the Champions League on the French scene?

I feel like it's really the same level.

For me, a match against Lille is the same thing.

These are the two teams that have been very strong in the last four games against us.

They play with a very high and very regular level.

Lyon is not tired, is well prepared.

I know they are very motivated to show that they are able to fight with us.

Lyon are the second best attack, just behind you, but also leave some space.

Does this suit you?

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I do not know.

I'm expecting a very strong Lyon team.

The last games at the Park, she always played with great courage, very offensively.

The Lyonnais always arrived to show that they were strong, that they had the same qualities as us.

I expect the same tomorrow (Sunday).

They don't play in the European Cup, they don't get tired.

They have had the whole week to prepare.

It's a very difficult match, but we are playing with confidence, we are in a good phase, we have found our rhythm.

I trust my players, who are competitors and love games like this.

It's good that we have a match at the same level as the Champions League now.


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Will Lyon's 4-3-3 lead you to change your playing system?

Basaksehir also played in 4-3-3.

I am not sure that Lyon continues with this system.

They played 4-4-2 against Lille.

They also analyzed our game and may have a different structure.

We may have to wait until the last hour before the game to decide how to defend.

We can talk to each other for a few minutes about our defensive structure once we know their team composition.

The standings are very tight behind you.

Is this good news?

No, that's not good news, and it's only our fault.

We lost points in Monaco and against Bordeaux.

It's up to us to continue in the same way as in the last matches.

This is the challenge.

Everything else, our number of points, what the others are doing, is not what to look at.

It will happen naturally, you have to continue and things will happen normally.

Why is Neymar not in the council of wise men whose composition you mentioned last week?

I talk to him a lot, alone.

I am always close to him.

It is important that he is free to say what he thinks.

We talk a lot tactically, personally.

He's not with the five because I don't want him to be distracted.

He takes responsibility on the ground.

He's an artist, he's creative.

I want him to be quiet, to keep his freedom.

For that, I want him not to think too much about the organization, about how we make a flight, why we organize a week like that.

If there is something important, it is consulted, of course.


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Are you worried about Mauro Icardi, still injured?

Yes and no.

Yes, because I'm always worried when a player misses a lot of weeks.

This is the case with Mauro.

We can't think too much about injured players, we have to find solutions, push the guys who are there.

Mauro works hard, I hope he will come back soon.

But I don't think he can play the next four games.

PSG followed the situation of Houssem Aouar last summer.

Does this player have the qualities to play in Paris?

We have a lot of respect for all the players, we don't talk about the other players.

But it is clear that Aouar is a key player for Lyon and one of the France team.

It makes sense that he can play for all the teams in the world.

He is talented, young, very strong and decisive for Lyon.

Is the 3-5-2 aligned against Basaksehir the system that best allows Mbappé and Neymar to be highlighted?

We are always looking for a solution for everyone, a structure for the team. At the same time, we care about this connection between Kylian and Neymar to have the possibility that they play together. In 4-4-2, they are together on the left side. If we play 3-5-2, they are also together, a little more in line. Connections exist between Marco Verratti, Ney, Kylian, that's a lot of reasons to make them play close to each other. 3-5-2 provides this connection. It's also important to have the opportunity to defend by moving forward, a little more aggressively, to have the ball a little more. That is why we decided to put this system in place. The team did it excellently.