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Another step on the way to the White House: Electors officially elect Biden as next president - Walla! news

12/14/2020, 9:43:40 PM

Representatives of the various countries are convening to ratify the November results, in which the Democratic president-elect received 306 electors. It is usually a ceremonial procedure, but it has received undue attention due to Trump's false allegations of widespread forgery. During the night, Biden will deliver a speech

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Another step on the way to the White House: Electors officially elect Biden as the next president

Representatives of the various countries are convening to ratify the November results, in which the Democratic president-elect received 306 electors.

It is usually a ceremonial procedure, but it has received undue attention due to Trump's false allegations of widespread forgery.

During the night, Biden will deliver a speech


  • Joe Biden

  • Donald Trump

  • United States

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Monday, 14 December 2020, 22:29

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In the video: Trump claims that the results of the US presidential election were falsified (Photo: Reuters, edited by: Assaf Drori)

Elections in the United States today (Monday) officially elect Joe Biden as the next president, in one of the final stages of the complicated process at the end of which power will change in Washington.

Later in the night, the president-elect, who will enter the White House on January 20, will speak.

In last month's election, Biden received 306 votes, compared to 232 for outgoing Republican President Donald Trump.

270 electors are the continuum needed for victory, and a total of 538 electors are allocated to the various countries according to their population size.

Democratic California is the largest with 55.

According to the American system, voters in different states have elected electors, who officially vote for candidates only a few weeks after the election in what in ordinary election campaigns is merely a ceremonial procedure.

This year, however, this stage received greater attention due to Trump's unprecedented refusal to acknowledge his loss.

Once the voters' voting process is complete, the results will be sent to Washington.

They will be officially counted in a joint session of the two houses of Congress on January 6, chaired by Vice President Mike Pence.

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The 46th president of the United States. Biden outside a hospital in Philadelphia, yesterday (Photo: Reuters)

The official selection is made in the houses of parliament of the various countries.

The first to vote were Vermont, New Hampshire, Indiana and Tennessee and were later joined by key states Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia, all of which were won by Biden.

The outgoing president continues to plead unfounded with forgeries and election fraud against him.

This is despite the fact that courts across the United States, led by the Supreme Court where a conservative majority, have outright rejected the petitions of his legal staff and allies, who failed to present a shred of admissible evidence.

All of the president's attempts, whether through the courts or in an unprecedented way by persuading local lawmakers, to reverse the results in these countries have failed miserably and been widely criticized, even by some Republican lawmakers who have warned of incitement to violence.

However, the majority remained on Trump's side, whether reluctantly or directly.

In the wake of tensions and divisions in the United States, Michigan legislatures were closed today due to "real threats of violence" before the election of voters in the local Senate.

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