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Canada begins vaccination against covid-19 | CNN

12/14/2020, 6:43:45 PM

This is a primarily symbolic implementation, as Canada works to more quickly secure vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and other international manufacturers. | World | CNN

What you should know about vaccines against covid-19 3:40

(CNN) -

A Toronto health worker became the first recipient of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine in Canada on Monday when the country began distributing its first 30,000 doses of the coronavirus vaccine nationwide.

Anita Quidangen has been a personal support worker for nearly 3 decades and provincial officials say she has worked tirelessly at the Rekai Center, one of Toronto's hardest-hit long-term care homes.

Applause erupted after Quidangen received his vaccine, as more healthcare workers lined up to receive their vaccinations.

This is a primarily symbolic implementation, as Canada works to more quickly secure vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and other international manufacturers.

  • Canada Approves Pfizer / BioNTech Vaccine for Emergency Use

Canada says it expects to receive around 249,000 doses of the vaccine before the end of the year, but expects at least 20 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech.

The country completed a vaccine distribution 'trial' last week and officials reported there were no problems providing a timely and safe delivery.


The Canadian doses will be distributed from Pfizer's European production centers and not from the US vaccine supply.

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This Monday, federal officials said they continue to negotiate "strongly" to receive as many doses of vaccines as possible, as quickly as possible.

"Notably, our portfolio consists of agreements signed with 7 vaccine manufacturers that will give us access to up to 414 million doses, the highest number of doses per capita of any country in the world," said Anita Anand, Minister of Procurement and Women from Canada who has led efforts to build the portfolio of vaccines in that country.

Canada also announced that it would spend about $ 400 million more to help developing countries access tests, therapies and vaccines.

Federal officials say they have so far contributed more than $ 800 million to the global effort to help developing countries tackle COVID-19.

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